Namek Saga
The Namek Saga is the second saga from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z. Its name is derived from the story arc revolving around the homeworld of the creatures on Earth believed to be demons, such as Kami-sama and Piccolo Daimao. It covers the trip and arrival to Planet Namek, a fictional planet from the series, by Bulma, Kuririn, and Gohan. The saga also covers the battles the Earth warriors and Vegeta face against Zarbon and Dodoria, Freeza's top two henchmen. Nearing the end of the chapter, it covers the arrival of Goku on Planet Namek to aid his allies and the beginning of the fight against the Ginyu Special-Squad.
The Namek Saga follows the Vegeta Saga and precedes the Captain Ginyu Saga. This saga aired in Japan in 1990. It is the first part of US season 2. This saga comprises the first half of the FUNimation Season Two Remastered Box Set, except for the first 4 episodes which were included in the Season One Box Set. This saga is part of Dragon Box 1 for Episodes 36-42 and Dragon Box 2 for Episodes 43-67.
Episode 036 – February 14, 1990
飛び出せ宇宙へ!希望の星はピッコロの故郷; Tabidase Uchuu e! Kibou no Hoshi wa Pikkoro no Furusato; We're Off Into Space! The Planet of Hope is Piccolo's Homeland
The battle with the Saiyans finally won, Goku, Krillin, and the others mourn the loss of Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo. With Kami also gone, the Earth?s Dragon Balls have disappeared. There is no hope for wishing any of the fallen heroes back to life? Or is there?
Episode 037 – February 21, 1990
謎のユンザビット!神様の宇宙船を探せ; Nazo no Yunzabitto! Kamisama no Uchuusen o Sagase; Mysterious Yunzabit! The Search for Kami-sama's Spaceship
As the weak and weary warriors of Planet Earth are bandaged and cared for, Bulma accidentally destroys the Saiyan spaceship, leaving no way to get to Planet Namek! But, Mr. Popo reveals that there might be another spacecraft they can use. Can they get to it in time, and will the old and forgotten ship even work if they do?
~~(Corresponds to #027 A NEW GOAL... NAMEK; Aired 1997/09/13)~~
Episode 038 – February 28, 1990
ナメック星行き発進!悟飯たちを待つ恐怖; Namekkusei Iki Hasshin! Gohantachi o Matsu Kyoufu; Blast-off for Planet Namek! The Terror Awaiting Gohan and Company
Goku, Krillin, and Gohan nurse their wounds and prepare for the return of the Saiyan attackers while Bulma follows Mr. Popo to find a space ship to take her to Planet Namek. There she plans to find the Dragon Balls in attempt to bring back Piccolo. Can Goku recover before it?s too late? Can Bulma get to Planet Namek, and once there, what obstacles await her?
Episode 039 – March 7, 1990
敵か味方か?謎の巨大宇宙船の子供たち; Teki ka Mikata ka? Nazo no Kyodai Uchuusen no Kodomotachi; Friends or Foes?; Children of the Mysterious Giant Spaceship
Gohan joins Bulma and Krillin as they head to Planet Namek in search of the dragon balls. What begins as a mundane trip becomes chaotic when they encounter a bizarre situation in the emptiness of space. Finding themselves on some type of space station, they set out on foot to find their escape.
~~(Corresponds to #028 JOURNEY TO NAMEK; Aired 1997/09/13)~~
Episode 040 – March 14, 1990
ホントにホント?あれが希望のナメック星; Honto ni Honto? Are ga Kibou no Namekkusei; Really, for Real? There Lies Namek, Planet of Hope
Bulma, Gohan and Krillin have been taken captive by an army of children. The children believe that they are allies with Frieza, who destroyed their planet, and it?s going to take more than a few kind words to convince the kids of their innocence.
Episode 041 – March 21, 1990
親切な宇宙人 いきなりあったよ五星球; Shinsetsu na Uchuujin Ikinari Atta yo Uushinchuu; Kind-hearted Aliens There's the Five-Star-Ball Already
When Bulma, Gohan and Krillin crash land on Planet Namek, they almost lose their lives when their ship falls off a cliff. Luckily, two kind Nameks are there to save them and their ship. Utilizing the help of one of them, named Raiti, they hunt down the three dragon balls marooned on the planet.
~~(Corresponds to #029 FRIENDS OR FOES; Aired 1997/09/20)~~
(No Episode Aired – March 28, 1990; Took a break for a historical play special)
Episode 042 – April 4, 1990
惑星フリーザNo.79 復活のベジータ!!; Wakusei Furiiza Nanbaa Nanajuukyuu Fukkatsu no Bejiita!!; Planet Freeza No. 79 Vegeta Recovers!!
Gohan, Krillin and Bulma continue their search for the Dragon Balls on Planet Namek with their new friend Zaacro. But standing in their way is one mean giant! Meanwhile, Goku has escaped from the hospital to gear up for his upcoming re-match with Vegeta.
~~(Corresponds to #030 HUNT FOR A DRAGON BALL; Aired 1997/09/20)~~
Episode 043 – April 11, 1990
そろったぞ神龍球!ピッコロさんも生き返る; Sorotta zo Doragon Booru! Pikkorosan mo Ikikaeru; The Dragonballs are All Here! Piccolo-san Comes Back to Life
As Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan close in on the last of the dragon balls, they instead uncover the secret identities of some Namekkian friends. And while Goku works to build up his strength, Vegeta seeks to quench his thirst for vengeance--his sights set on only one thing: Destruction.
~~(Corresponds to #031 WHO'S WHO?!; Aired 1997/09/27)~~
Episode 044 – April 18, 1990
あらたな強敵!宇宙の帝王フリーザ; Arata na Kyouteki! Uchuu no Teiou Furiiza; A Tough New Enemy! Emperor of the Universe, Freeza
Bulma, Krillin and Gohan complete their trip to Planet Namek and begin their search for the Dragon Balls. But Vegeta aims to collect the magical orbs as well. And could there be another evil force at work on Planet Namek unbeknownst to Gohan and the gang? There?s a gathering of warriors on the surface of Planet Namek, and they all have their sights set on the same prize.
~~(Corresponds to #032 TOUCHDOWN ON NAMEK; Aired 1997/09/27)~~
Episode 045 – April 25, 1990
野望のベジータ!宇宙一の戦士はオレだ!!; Yabou no Bejiita! Uchuuichi no Senshi wa Ore Da!!; Vegeta's Ambition! I Am the Greatest Warrior in the Universe!!
The hunt for the Dragon Balls hits a brick wall when Krillin, Gohan and Bulma see two Saiyan pods land on Namek. What they don?t realize is that this once peaceful planet is being taken over by not only Vegeta, but also Frieza and his clan, making their quest more even more difficult.
~~(Corresponds to #033 FACE-OFF ON NAMEK; Aired 1997/10/04)~~
Episode 046 – May 2, 1990
悟空パワー全開!!銀河の果てまで6日間; Gokuu Pawaa Zenkai!! Ginga no Hate made Rokkakan; Goku's Power Full-Force!! 6 Days to the End of the Galaxy
With the odds rapidly mounting against them on Planet Namek, Krillin and Gohan will need some serious help if they hope to recover the Dragon Balls from Frieza and his men. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Goku is still recovering in the hospital. And though he has doctor?s orders to stay in bed ? he won?t let that stop him from going to Namek!
~~(Corresponds to #034 THE RUTHLESS FRIEZA; Aired 1997/10/04)~~
Episode 047 – May 9, 1990
意表をついた攻撃!!長老の狙いはスカウター; Ihyou o Tsuita Kougeki!! Chourou no Nerai wa Sukautaa; Surprise Attack!! The Elder's Target was the Scouter!
Krillin and Gohan get their first real glimpse of Frieza?s cruelty as the villain unleashes his evil henchmen upon an unsuspecting Namek village. Frieza wants the fifth Dragon Ball, and he is prepared to learn its location by any means necessary ? but the Nameks won?t give it up without a fight!
~~(Corresponds to #035 THE NAMEKS VS. FRIEZA; Aired 1997/10/11)~~
Episode 048 – May 16, 1990
悟飯危うし!死を呼ぶ追跡者ドドリア; Gohan Ayaushi! Shi o Yobu Tsuisekisha Dodoria; Gohan in Peril! A Pursuing Dodoria Summons Death
Unable to stand by and watch the torture any longer, Gohan leaps out of hiding to rescue a Namek boy from the clutches of Frieza?s evil henchmen. Now Gohan and Krillin have an even bigger problem on their hands ? Dodoria is chasing them, and he won?t stop until he has his revenge!
~~(Corresponds to #036 ESCAPE FROM DODORIA; Aired 1997/10/11)~~
Episode 049 – May 23, 1990
爆死ドドリア!ベジータの恐るべき衝撃波; Bakushi Dodoria! Bejiita no Osoru Beki Shougekiha; Dodoria Dies by Explosion! Vegeta's Fearsome Shockwave
Dodoria continues to search for Krillin and Gohan in the Namekian wilderness, but that?s not who he finds?Vegeta is waiting for him! The Saiyan prince has a score to settle with Dodoria. And the time for the final showdown between these two powerful villains has come.
~~(Corresponds to #037 SECRETS REVEALED; Aired 1997/10/18)~~
Episode 050 – May 30, 1990
燃える惑星からの脱出!!命がけのカメハメ波; Moeru Wakusei kara no Dasshutsu!! Inochigake no Kamehameha; Escape From a Burning Planet!! A Life-or-Death Kamehameha
Goku?s journey to Namek takes an unexpected detour when his spaceship is knocked off course by an asteroid! Goku has to act fast to fix the ship and put it back on track ? because he?s headed straight for the fiery heart of a star!
~~(Corresponds to #038 A COLLISION COURSE; Aired 1997/10/18)~~
Episode 051 – June 6, 1990
勇気百倍!界王の下に集結する戦士たち; Yuuki Hyakubai! Kaiou no Moto ni Shuuketsu Suru Senshitachi; Courage Times One Hundred! The Warriors Gather Under Kaio
With his new ability to sense energy without a scouter, Vegeta quickly tracks down a Namek village and unleashes a terrifying display of power. Unable to resist the Saiyan?s might, the Nameks have no choice but to surrender their Dragon Ball. Now, there is only one Dragon Ball left to find, and Dende knows who has it?the Eldest Namek!
(No Episode Aired – June 13, 1990; The broadcast took a break for a nighttime game)
Episode 052 – June 20, 1990
聞け悟空よ!フリーザには手を出すな; Kike Gokuu yo! Furiiza ni wa Te o Dasu na; Listen to Me Goku! Hands Off Freeza
Flying through space on his way to Namek, Goku receives some happy news ? his friends have all made it to King Kai?s planet! But the celebration is cut short when King Kai realizes Goku is rushing to face the ruthless Frieza. Meanwhile, more trouble is brewing on Planet Namek. The battle between Vegeta and Zarbon has begun!
~~(Corresponds to #039 STAY AWAY FROM FRIEZA; Aired 1997/10/25)~~
Episode 053 – June 27, 1990
ほとんど鳥肌!美戦士ザーボンの悪魔の変身; Hotondo Torihada! Bisenshi Zaabon no Akuma no Henshin; Nothing but Goosebumps! The Handsome Warrior Zarbon's Demonic Transformation
Vegeta?s confrontation with Zarbon heats up, as Zarbon reveals his true power ? the ability to transform into a gigantic, monstrous beast! With his increased size and strength, Zarbon quickly turns the tide of the battle, and it looks like it might be lights out for the Saiyan Prince? permanently!
~~(Corresponds to #040 ZARBON TRANSFORMED; Aired 1997/10/25)~~
Episode 054 – July 4, 1990
希望の星を守れ!!クリリン驚異のパワーUP; Kibou no Hoshi o Mamore!! Kuririn Kyoui no Pawaa Appu; Defend the Planet of Hope!! Kuririn's Astonishing Power-Up
When Krillin and Dende speak to the Eldest Namek, Guru, Krillin gets a double surprise! Not only does he receive a Dragon Ball, but Guru awakens the sleeping powers within him! Will Krillin?s incredible new strength be enough to win the race for the Dragon Balls?
~~(Corresponds to #041 THE ELDEST NAMEK; Aired 1997/11/01)~~
(No Episode Aired – July 11, 1990; Broadcasting was suspended for a historical play special airing!!)
Episode 055 – July 18, 1990
死の淵からよみがえった 奇跡の男・ベジータ; Shi no Fuchi kara Yomigaetta Kiseki no Otoko · Bejiita; Back from the Brink of Death The Miracle Man, Vegeta
Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu undergo King Kai?s rigorous training program. But their workout gets really intense when Piccolo challenges them all to a three-on-one bout! Meanwhile, on Planet Namek, Frieza?s henchmen work to revive Vegeta in order to obtain the whereabouts of the missing Dragon Ball. But is the Saiyan Prince too far gone to recover?
~~(Corresponds to #042 GET VEGETA; Aired 1997/11/01)~~
(No Episode Aired – July 25, 1990; Took a break for the baseball All-Star match)
Episode 056 – August 1, 1990
どでかい戦闘力!!砕け散るフリーザの陰謀; Dodekai Sentouryoku!! Kudakechiru Furiiza no Inbou; An Enormous Battle Power!! Freeza's Strategy Shattered
Vegeta makes a daring escape from the clutches of Frieza, and manages to take the Dragon Balls with him! Krillin returns with his Dragon Ball from Guru, and hopes to bring Gohan to meet him in order to unlock the hidden powers within the young Saiyan. While Goku continues his journey through space to join the others on Namek, Zarbon sets out to find Vegeta and the Dragon Balls, or he himself will face the consequences.
~~(Corresponds to #043 VEGETA REVIVED; Aired 1997/11/08)~~
Episode 057 – August 8, 1990
元気が戻ったぞ!!100倍超重力の中の悟空; Genki ga Modotta zo!! Hyakubai Choujuuryoku no Naka no Gokuu; I'm Back to My Old Self Again!! Goku Takes on 100 Times Gravity
Vegeta manages to escape the clutches of Frieza, and take the Dragon Balls with him! Krillin returns to Bulma with the Dragon Ball he received from Guru, but is quickly found by both Vegeta and Frieza?s minion, Zarbon. After a long battle, Vegeta shows Zarbon who the true warrior is. And, as Goku spins out of control in the magnetic storm, Gohan is returning with the last remaining Dragon Ball. But, who will find him first. Krillin and Bulma, or Vegeta.
~~(Corresponds to #044 A HEAVY BURDEN; Aired 1997/11/08)~~
(No Episode Aired – August 15, 1990; Took a break for a pre-recorded nighttime game!)
Episode 058 – August 22, 1990
フリーザの秘密兵器!悪魔のギニュー特戦隊; Furiiza no Himitsu Heiki! Akuma no Ginyuu Tokusentai; Freeza's Secret Weapon! The Devilish Ginyu Special-Squad
The Ginyu Force, the private attack force of Frieza, are on their way to Planet Namek, where Vegeta, Krillin, Gohan and Bulma all search for the Dragon Balls. In a stroke of luck, Gohan manages to hide the last Dragon Ball from Vegeta, who has taken the remainder of them from Frieza. While Goku continues his journey to Namek, he trains and pushes himself in 100 times gravity to further propel his power level, but will even this be enough to stop the Ginyu Force?
~~(Corresponds to #045 IMMORTALITY DENIED; Aired 1997/11/15)~~
Episode 059 – August 29, 1990
ブルマが危ない!!四星球はフリーザの手に; Buruma ga Abunai!! Suushinchuu wa Furiiza no Te ni; Bulma, Watch Out!! The Four-Star-Ball Falls into Freeza's Hands
While Krillin and Gohan fly off to see Guru, they leave their one Dragon Ball hidden back at the camp with Bulma. But when the Dragon Ball mysteriously disappears, Bulma must embark on a daring underwater adventure to get it back!
~~(Corresponds to #046 BIG TROUBLE FOR BULMA; Aired 1998/01/31)~~
Episode 060 – September 5, 1990
激突だ!!不屈の闘志の界王拳とカメハメ波; Gekitotsu da!! Fukutsu no Toushi no Kaiouken to Kamehameha Charge!!; The Kaio-ken and Kamehameha of an Indomitable Spirit
Bulma finds herself in deep trouble, as she is taken hostage by two of Frieza?s evil henchmen. Now, she must lead them on an underwater quest for the Dragon Balls. And without Gohan and Krillin to save her, she?ll have to find a way to outsmart her captors ? or wind up sleeping with the fishes!
~~(Corresponds to #047 SCRAMBLE FOR THE DRAGON BALLS!; Aired 1998/02/07)~~
Episode 061 – September 12, 1990
迫る超決戦!ギニュー特戦隊ただ今参上!!; Semaru Choukessen! Ginyuu Tokusentai Tadaima Sanjou!!; The Great Battle Approaches! The Ginyu Special-Squad Takes the Stage!!
Krillin and Gohan complete their journey to Guru?s house, but little do they know, Vegeta is hot on their trail! Can Guru unlock Gohan?s hidden powers in time to hold off the rampaging Saiyan?s wrath? And even if he can, are any of them prepared to face the power of the Ginyu Force?
~~(Corresponds to #048 ARRIVAL OF THE GINYU FORCE; Aired 1998/02/07)~~
Episode 062 – September 19, 1990
悟空が大接近!フリーザ包囲網をぶち破れ; Gokuu ga Daisekkin! Furiiza Houimou o Buchiyabure; Goku on Final Approach! Smash through Freeza's Dragnet
With the Ginyu Force by his side, is Frieza on the verge of taking over the universe? Or will Vegeta?s new alliance with Gohan and Krillin prove to be a sufficient deterrence? Can our heroes get to the remaining Dragon Balls in time to summon the Dragon and make their wish? It?s a race for survival, and every second counts!
~~(Corresponds to #049 THE ELITE FIGHTERS OF THE UNIVERSE... THE GINYU FORCE; Aired 1998/02/14)~~
Episode 063 – September 26, 1990
超魔術かトリックか!?Mr.グルドが怒ったぞ!; Choumajutsu ka Torikku ka!? Misutaa Gurudo ga Okotta!; Is This Some Super-Magic or Just a Trick?! Mr. Ghurd is Angry!
The battle with the Ginyu Force begins, as Gohan and Krillin launch a barrage of explosive energy blasts at Guldo! But they soon discover there is more to Guldo than meets the eye, when he traps them with his ?Mind Bind? technique! Krillin and Gohan are rendered helpless by Guldo?s power, and this time, there is no one to save them! ?Or is there?
~~(Corresponds to #050 TIME TRICKS AND BODY BINDS; Aired 1998/02/14)~~
(No Episode Aired – October 3, 1990 and October 10, 1990; Broadcasting was suspended on the 3rd and 10th for a historical play special airing...)
TV Special 1 – October 17, 1990
たったひとりの最終決戦~フリーザに挑んだZ戦士孫悟空の父~; Tatta Hitori no Saishuu Kessen~Furiiza ni Idonda Zetto Senshi Kakarotto no Chichi~; A Final Solitary Battle~The Z Senshi Kakarot's Father Challenges Freeza~
When a low-class Saiyan solider named Bardock unexpectedly inherits the ability to see into the future, his life takes a dramatic turn for the worse! Haunted by visions of his own end as well as the destruction of his entire planet, Bardock sets off on a nightmarish race with fate to advert the impending disaster.
But Bardock seems to be stumbling along in a maze of hopeless dispair [sic] until a vision of his baby son, Kakarot, as a grown man inspires him to make a change and confront his destiny head on!...
This is the story of Bardock, the father of Goku!...
Episode 064 – October 24, 1990
猛攻リクーム!悪くて強くてとんでもない奴; Moui Rikuumu! Warukute Tsuyokute Tondemonai Yatsu; The Savage Recoom! The Bad, Strong, and Outrageous Guy
After barely escaping the battle with Guldo, our heroes are not out of the woods yet! The real nightmare is only just beginning, as Recoome steps up to fight! Vegeta attempts to defeat the mountainous member of the Ginyu Force alone, but when his attacks have no effect, his doom seems certain. Is the Saiyan Prince finally done for?
~~(Corresponds to #051 NO REFUGE FOR RECOOME; Aired 1998/05/16)~~
Episode 065 – October 31, 1990
死ぬな悟飯!悟空・ついに決戦場に到着だ; Shinu na Gohan! Gokuu · Tsui ni Kessenjou ni Touchaku da; Don't Die, Gohan! Goku Finally Touches Down on the Battlefield
With Krillin and Vegeta both knocked out of commission by the terrible Recoome, only Gohan remains to carry on the fight! The young Saiyan will have to summon every ounce of his strength and courage in order to face this powerful foe. The only question is ? will it be enough?
~~(Corresponds to #052 ENTER GOKU; Aired 1998/05/23)~~
Episode 066 – November 7, 1990
ケタ外れの強さ!!伝説の超サイヤ人孫悟空; Ketahazure no Tsuyosa!! Densetsu no Suupaa Saiyajin Son Gokuu; Uncommon Strength!! The Legendary Super Saiyan, Son Goku
Goku has arrived on Planet Namek, and without a second to lose! Gohan and Krillin are hanging by a thread, held at the mercy of the Ginyu Force! Has Goku?s training in 100-times gravity prepared him to face these powerful foes?
Episode 067 – November 14, 1990
赤と青の光球!ジースとバータが悟空を襲う; Aka to Ao no Raitoningu Booru! Jiisu to Baata ga Gokuu o Osou; Lightning Balls of Red and Blue! Jhees and Burta Attack Goku
Goku has come to the aid of his family and friends against the mighty Ginyu Force. As Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan look on, Goku easily defends the attacks of Jeice and Burter, two of the Force?s finest warriors. But, are these defenses merely a bluff to intimidate the attackers, or has Goku become what Vegeta thought was only a legend?.a Super Saiyan?
~~(Corresponds to #053 GOKU... SUPER SAIYAN?!; Aired 1998/05/23)~~