Tower of Babel

The world was post-apocalyptic

By the skin of its teeth

Humanity had survived the Flood

Polarized politics

had come to a synthesis

Terror of God

had turned into anger

Rebellion had become an industry

Lying about God

was the new technology

The only worry in the mind of the leaders

was creativity

Creative types might become soft

They might find a soft spot in their hearts

for their Creator

So they said,

Come let us build a Tower

Let us put our creativity to work

Let us build a Tower of Consciousness 

An Artifice of Intelligence

A Collective Human Brain

Whose top reaches into heaven

Let every human soul think together

Let all tongues sing in one language

Let all minds meditate as one

Let all the little children dream as God

And so they pacified and satisfied

their fearful anger toward God

by comforting themselves 

with the subtlety of the serpent

And God saw it

and said, Let us go down and

finally make known and understood 

the good news of the Jews

lest they perform all the evil

that is in their hearts continually