Ode To The Philosophic Mind

Hear the seven thunders

concealed by revelation

from all examination!

Hear the seven thunders

as they rend the veil

and reveal it openly

before the world’s eyes,

spoiling the wisdom of innocence

and the wisdom of lies,

deflating the breath of Adam

with a new breathing.

A Church of Judaism

emerges on a shroud of clouds.

The concealment of the concealment

is turned to a radiant, 


morning dew.

And with the rising dew,

all hearts are filled with attraction

to the beautiful one.

The insinuator of suspicion and hatred

is left alone.

A monotheism of love 

convinces the philosophic mind

to be satisfied with pure kindness

and to help

bury the absent-father pantheism

of ages gone by

in the great empty grave.

Congratulations and praise

to the new philosophic mind

that humbly took the stand

and testified for kindness

and led the innocent newborns

by the hand…