
"You have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, 

and how I bare you on eagles' wings, 

and brought you unto myself..."

Those who expand like lotus blossoms

Who enlarge their thoughts like gods

Who liberate themselves from laws

Who make themselves judges of all things

Are now coming to an end of their potential

Their sun is spent

Their gravity has overcome them

They are great exploding fires dying vainly

Dreaming themselves as gods among gods

Imagining the world

But their imagination has gotten old

Now it can barely imagine a future

That is not just the past

They dream of themselves clothed in stars

But they cannot imagine their own world

Because their love is not Torah

They do not know the G-d of Israel

They are at the end of themselves

They are their own universe

Which is fading

And they cannot imagine anywhere else to go

The little of a truly eternal world that they can imagine

They steal from Torah truth

But no one obeys what they steal

They obey nothing but their own fire

So they rewrite Torah so it tells them their own Torah truths

They want to change the Torah of G-d

They seek a Torah that makes their sins to be commandments

Thus their future is their past

They will grow weary of the dreamed

They will wake to shame and smallness

Because their love is not Torah

But the Torah is love and hope

Even for them

For the Torah alone can give new birth

And new, pure and holy eternal imagination

In awe and fear of the G-d of the Torah of Israel

Seek the Torah

If you are far from it

It can be found

And there is a savior

Who will write it in your heart