
"See! I Make Heaven and Earth New!"

Heaven and earth shall again hear the word:

"In the beginning created Elohim ..."

At first we heard G-D's word as if it were a whisper

We heard and were dark 

and could not shine.

We shall hear through the Aleph and the Tav

we shall hear again, a second time,

"In the beginning created Elohim

the aleph-tav of the heavens

and the aleph-tav of the earth!"

We shall hear the word that creates

like a roar out of Zion!

Heaven and earth shall hear and shine!

Heaven and earth shall be the ear divine...

We will see!

All darkness will have fled away

For we shall see Mashiach as he is,

the light of the re-creation day.

We shall hear and

Our ear will sing...

Our nostrils will breath the Spirit of Elohim,

whose love is upon the waters

of the birth of sons and daughters.

We will breath the joy of fear 

of The Name that dissolved earth's tear.

The tongue in our mouth will be born again in truth.

Moses will enter the Land with eternal youth.

We will see the Land and fly in on wings.

We will see and we will serve,

as God's Torah sings.