In Sarah's Womb

The children are studying and labouring 

from first light until dark

ever building and clearing the earth

Their hands are strong

Their tongues are sharp

They confront their problems like warriors

They stand up for themselves

and fight for what is theirs

They are killed every day by their sins

Like infants they are in love with themselves

The proud rulers of the earth walk like gods

Their imaginations are bloated with air

Their minds swell to encompass the stars

They sit in the temple of the speed of light

They worship their own thoughts

ready to execute anyone who says they are liars

because they are good to their children and grandchildren

and leave them a world as their inheritance

a world they have melted and remoulded 

a world they have fashioned with skill

and have designed with good technique

and they do not know

that they have crafted the earth itself

into an idol of sin

In their temple the dome of stars expands

Their knowledge of good and evil

begins with a big bang

Their knowledge of right and wrong

ends with a whimper 

They dream of moving between the stars

but their dreams flicker out

because they do not know

that there is no distance between the stars

that is not already transversed by a Godly force

and that the world of the stars, 

moves as one body in the word of God, 

and as one body is filled with the angels of God,

who labour only in light,

building an entrance hall

to the home of the People of God

Who are the People of God?

Those who have weak hands

made strong washed in pure water by faith

Those who have soft tongues

made quick by speaking the word of God

those who do not stand for themselves

or for their own thoughts

but who stand for the needs of their neighbor on angel’s wings

Those who were born to the inheritance of this world

but who were reborn to another world

through the seed of Abraham

in Sarah’s womb

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