I Will Sing With Israel - a poem

This poem is from the website by this name. See here.


Sing with Israel! 

Unite in joy you nations of the earth:

Sing with her the song of Moses 

Sing the song of her Passover Lamb!

Rivers and seas red with blood...

Israel walked over rivers and seas

on a narrow bridge,

the great bridge, 

the bridge of the grace of love, 

love that is built between mercy and truth, 

the only bridge to life.

The world is a narrow bridge. 

Israel walked over the world

into a promised land,

a hidden land,

a sanctuary and hope for lost families, 

a land of salvation for a lost earth.

Many tongues of many proud peoples

become frogs in the swamp. 

Their tongues leap out and leap in 

with immorality and laughter.

The tongues of the children of Israel

shall one day burn with holy fire,

firing worlds in a pottery furnace,

firing the earth as a stone,

a foundation for the Temple of God.

Rejoice with Israel,

ask to go out with her

from the crumbling prison of death 

into the open skies 

radiant with righteousness.

All you people who are weak 

who have no spirit,

cling to Israel,

for God is going with her 

and there is room for you.

Locusts like dust with the sting of hornets

shall fill land and sea, 

their poison spirit shall fill eyes and nostrils.

The nations united in pride.

They shall be homeless in their own streets.

They spurned the provisions of God

and lived by theft,

but they shall feast on emptiness

and die alone.

The human race became a womb giving birth 

to the angel of the church of self-loving pride.

In conceit, we thought to invent a world,

to invent our own order, peace and wealth, 

to make a better world than was made by God.

We invented a planetary machinery manufacturing dust,

We were caught rusting water and air, 

corrupting forests and fields.

The soul of Earth was polluted with our shameful arrogance,

The world was consumed 

by the cancer of human pretense to deity.

But in Israel was a new shoot 

growing out of the disfigured ground.

A humble carob tree of virgin fruit arose from the charred earth.

A glamorous darkness of death

will seduce the hearts and minds of all peoples.

They will pray to the power of death to give them pleasure.

They will believe in life in death 

and serve it with their soul as currency.

But Israel shall walk in the light of the secret of truth.

Life shall go before her like a pillar of fire,

and love shall come up behind her like a cloud of light,

and truth shall be a carpet beneath her feet,

revealing the way.

Rejoice with Israel and ask to go with her

all you people who are weak and have no spirit,

for God is going with her and there is room for you.

I will sing with Israel and dance on the wings of her salvation.

For through the salvation of Israel 

God has created a world of redemption

wherein is found salvation for all who are weary of violence

and burdened with crimes.

All who cry out to the God of Israel

and trust in Israel's anointed teacher

shall be saved

and shall walk forever

in God's commandments of peace.