In The Day You Eat Thereof

When God created the man and woman,

he showed them that he had created them

their own garden,

but at the center of that garden

God had a tree

which he was keeping to himself,

and he said to them:

In the day you eat thereof

you will be guilty of death,

you will be guilty of murder,

of killing your children

every one of them.

In the day you eat thereof

you will become a fire and a flame

that consumes grasses and trees,

that consumes earth and water,

that consumes skies and peoples,

that consumes creation.

In the day you eat thereof

the knowing in your mind

will become the unknowing in your heart.

Your heart will turn to stone

and fall into a pit;

you will not be able to reach it

or recover it.

In the day you eat thereof

my word will become your death.

Your world will be your prison,

the solitary confinement

where you will pray to die.

Your spirit will be alone

with the breath in your nostrils.

You will regret having known joy;

the memory of joy 

will seem like a mockery of your soul.

You will regret 

having coveted the power of my existence.

In the day you eat thereof

my word will be your death

and this will be your only hope against hope;

for my word is powerful

and sharper than any two-edged sword,

dividing asunder soul and spirit,

judging the thoughts and intents of the heart,

and creating the day of rest.