On That Day

Do not be mistaken!

Adam sinned this morning

She sinned with all her heart

He sinned with all his force,

and the sun has not yet set.

Rather, the sun has gone down

and down and down and will not rise again.

The sun has set

but only in a place that cannot be seen.

For it has set in the black hole

that pierces the palm of the eternal hand.

Open your eyes and see that you cannot see.

Open your eyes and see that you

cannot see the hand of eternal truth

in front of your face.

Or continue to squeeze your eyes shut,

so that you can continue to believe that you can see.

Open your sunshine eyes and look

into the black hole in the eternal hand,

where the sun has set

and all sunshine flees into darkness

and all light that measured time has ceased.

Open old light eyes into the black darkness

of the hole in the eternal hand,

in order that you might see

and understand that the sun was always a shadow

look into the hole in the eternal hand and be healed.

Open your eyes into that darkness that is your sight

and let there be true light.

Do not be mistaken!

Adam sinned

He sinned with rage.

She sinned with her machinations,

and the sun has not set yet.

Yet already while the day of sin still lingers

a new, different day has dawned,

Its light appeared between the fingers

of the eternal hand.

In its brilliance the sunshine of this world is only darkness.

That darkness is the light of this world,

its false hope,

the wisdom of Adam who sinned.

Do not be mistaken.

The day that turns that light to darkness

is at hand.

In that day the animals who were below

shall be above in eternal radiance

dancing on the wings of the angels of the eternal day

and the princes of the old world's light 

who prided themselves to ever be above them

shall get behind them

shall go below them.

The ruling princes of old light 

are servants and slaves to the old day

and there they shall stay

with death and decay,

unless they will now walk away from their thrones.

On the day you eat of the fruit

of knowledge not given to you,

of wisdom not yours to know,

you shall die and be dust,

you shall die and be ashes

On that day shall you also be saved?

On that day shall you live again?

On that day when you have sinned

will you walk away from your dying sun?

   ~ ~ ~


Max Carl Kirk

Mellow Wolf Publications - - - If you have any questions about reproducing any Mellow Wolf publications feel free to contact me.

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