11 Battalion. 27 August 1918

Battle of the Scarpe. 27th August 1918

11th Tank Battalion, with 3rd Division, Canadian Corp, 1st Army (OH)

11th Battalion had 8 fighting tanks in action on 27th August 1918 (H11)

Composite Company


The battalion had drawn Mark V* tanks on the 8th to 11th August 1918. (H11)


14 tanks were to support the Canadian Corps, 14th Battalion provided four (OH) of seven tanks allocated, all of which were actually 11th battalion vehicles with 14th battalion crews (see 14th battalion narrative). 11th Battalion therefore presumably provided the 8 tanks which attacked with the 7th CIF Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division. Zero hour was 4:55am (OH) (w53can). 4 tanks each were allocated to the 53rd and 58th CIF battalions (W53can) (w57can)

Account of Operations

Zero hour was delayed until 10am, the tanks were aware of this and thus delayed their approach; the 7th CIF was not aware of the delay and attacked as originally intended when the barrage came down at 4:55am. On being told that the infantry were attacking the tanks moved forward to support the infantry passing the 53rd CIF battalion HQ at 6:15am. (w53can) [The delay isn’t mentioned in the 57th CIF battalion’s narrative]

All eight tanks with the 3rd CIF Division were heavily shelled and knocked out or otherwise incapacitated (OH). All the objecrives were secured (w53can) (w57can); a further advance was made later in the day (H11) 116th CIF battalions attacking through the others. (OH)

11th Tank Battalion casualties were 1 other rank killed, 5 other ranks wounded, 1 other rank gassed (H11)


Total Tanks: 8

Failed to Start:

Engaged enemy:

Ditched / Broke Down:

Hit and Knocked out:

Rallied: 0


Rallied is a guess



H11 – 11th Tank Battalion’s War History, PRO WO 95 / 100.

OH – Official History. 1918. Volume IV. Pg.327 and Pg.328

w53can – War Diary 54 Canadian Infantry Battalion, narrative of events, August 26th – 29th – available online:

w57can – War Diary 57 Canadian Infantry Battalion – available online:


3rd Somme. 21 Aug - 3 Sept 1918