13 Battalion, C Company, 4 July 1917

Hamel. 4th July 1918

13th Battalion.

C Company – OIC Major Blackburn, D.S.O., M.C. (H8)

9 section – Section commander Capt Walker

1, 9097, m, 2Lt Atack

2, 9055, m, 2Lt Litchfield H

3, 9382, "Mabel", f, 2Lt Gill RH

Section allocation of tanks 1 and 3 a guess.

10 section (?)

1, 9050, 2Lt Milliken J

2, 9431, m, 2, 2Lt Harris D

3. 9417, 2Lt Innes A

Section allocation a guess, presumably one of the male tanks was with 11 section, however according to the tanks BHS all four of the above tanks were supporting 11 Brigade, 11 section was supporting 6 Brigade.

11 section – Section commander Capt Larkin (possibly Company commander)

1, 9135, Lt Berry.

3, 9126, 2Lt Geraghty GF

3, 9388, Lt Hulton,

Section allocations and company allocation of 9388 guesses

On its BHS 9126 is said to be supporting 11th Brigade not 6th brigade.

12 section

1, 9082, 2Lt Lovell B,.

2, 9014, 2Lt Seddon J

3, 9443, 2Lt Dower T

9082 section allocation and crew number a guess


9443: Date not on BHS. WD number not on BHS, 2Lt Dower in charge of 9443 on 8 August

9431 WD number presumably wrong as the number is for a female tank, or is this an early composite?

9382 name from 23 August Battle history Sheet in 2nd battlalions War diary (W2)


Assembly points: "C" Company 13th Battalion in Fouilloy Hospice Grounds (H8).

2 sections to co-operate with the 44th and 43rd A.I. Battalions in the capture of Hamel Village and the trench system on the high ground east of it (H8)

2 sections working with “C” Company 8th Battalion and 42nd A.I. Battalion in the capture of the trench systems north of HAMEL to the River Somme, thus protecting the left flank (H8)

9 Section

To attack in second wave and support D Company, 21st AIF battalion, 6th brigade, 2nd AIF Division.

10 section (?)

To support 11 Brigade Aus Div.

11 section (?)

To support 23 battalion, 6 brigade, 2 AIF Division.

12 section

9014 - 1 Bde, Aus Div. Ordered to attack strong point P4b and cut passage through wire for infantry.

9443 - Orders to attack strong points P.4.c. 62 D SE. Quarry. .

9082, - attack enemy strong point at 62/O.SE: P.4.b and crush wire to allow infantry to approach from flanks and occupy same.


9 Section

9097 Attacked, crushed MG in enemy reserve line which was holding up infantry. Killed snipers who were worrying infantry whilst they consolidated. Rallied. Tank damaged by shell splinters and pierced by AP bullets OIC and Sgt both slightly wounded.

9055 Attacked, keeping on side of Fouilloy - Warfusee-Abancourt road, an enemy machine gun was observed in the quarry P.20.b.15.30. this was destroyed by 6-pdr fire. A nest of three machine guns was run over after the gunners had apparently left them. Very few of the enemy were observed and most of those seen were running away. Covered consolidation. Rallied

9382 Attacked in second Wave. Crossed British and German front lines. Silenced an MG post to right of advance. Starboard turret KO and MG gun damaged, no casualties. 50 rounds SAA fired. Returned, towed 9126 out of action.

10 section

9431 Attacked reached objective, few enemy showed an inclination to fight. 3 MGs dealt with 6pdr fire. 18 rounds 6pdr and 900 rounds SAA fired. Covered consolidation. Rallied.

9050 two males and one female in section. Fired 200 rounds SAA. Little opposition encountered. Rallied.

9417, 2Lt Innes A, 11th Bde. Aus Div. Attacked, preceded infantry in first wave. Fired 500 rounds SAA at the few enemy Mgs which presented themselves as targets. Other parties of enemy surrendered freely. Reached objective, covered consolidation. Rallied.

11 section

9135, Tank reached enemy reserve line and silenced MGs there then eliminated enemy snipers concealed I growing crops near the final objective. 50 rounds SA fired. Rallied.

9126, Tank attacked on time but failed to reach objective. OIC, observer and one gunner casualties. Condition of tank after action "very bad". No ammo expended. 9382 towed this tank out of action.

9388, Lt Hulton, Attacked, Ditched in Diggers trench on front line. OIC wounded during the night. Position of tank after action not recorded. Tank was in action on 8th August so must have been recovered.

12 Section

9014 Carried out orders. Fired 12 rounds 6pdr and 30 rounds SAA. Rallied.

9443 Very little opposition encountered (no more info on BHS).

9082 No opposition encountered. 14 rounds 6pdr fired.


Total Tanks: 12

Failed to Start:

Engaged enemy: 10

Ditched / Broke Down: 2

Hit and Knocked out:

Rallied: 10


All tanks except 9131, 9188 and 9449 in action again on 8th August with the following OICs:

9135, 2Lt Passells WE

9388, 2Lt Ribchester WA

9097, 2Lt Bennett A

9055, 2Lt Litchfield H

9382, 2Lt Gill RH

9082, 2Lt Fennimore

9014, 2Lt Seddon J

9443, 2Lt Dower T

9050, 2Lt Milliken J


13 Battalion Battle History Sheets, transcripts from Bovington Tank Museum.
