6 Battalion 22 August 1918

The Battle of Albert. 22nd August 1918

6 Battalion, with the 47th Division, III Corp, 3rd Army (OH)

6 Battalion had 4 tanks in action on 22nd August 1918 (H6)

B Company

Section - Capt Strachan CH


When “A” and “C” companies moved North to IV corps, “B” company stayed with III corps. (H6)

On 22nd the tanks were to assist the Northumberland Hussars, III Corps and exploit along the Bray Albert Road (OH); the action occurring on the site of the old tank corps camp at Bray. (H6)

Account of Operations

The tanks moved forward to the Bois de Tailles where they were heavily shelled from the direction of Le Plateau. The infantry were held up by heavy MG fire from the Bray-Albert Road. (H6) Six (sic) whippets attempted to advnce with the cavalry at 7:45am, but all broke down (OH) Maj. Darby was severely wounded whilst receding towards the old Whippet school on the Bray Albert Road. The whippets retired to Cemetery Copse at 3pm. (H6)


Total Tanks: 4

Failed to Start:

Engaged enemy:

Ditched / Broke Down: 4

Hit and Knocked out:



The Battalion was next in action on the 24th August.


H6 – 6th Battalion War History, (1919) Naval and Military Press

OH – Official History, 1918, Vol. 4, pg.197 and pg.200

W6 – 6th Battalion War Diary. Transcript from BovingtonTank Museum. – No information

Albert - 21 to 29 August 1918

F / 6th Battalion