Cambrai Start Formation

C Battalion

The above diagram has been created using several sources, see below.


Positions of tanks within sections are not given in the sources but are educated guesses based on the order they appear in the list of 7 and 8 companies in the Berkshires War Diary. The first tank listed in each section is assumed to be the advanced guard tank, the seconds the left tank and the third the right tank. This is the order used in H Battalions list. (W5Berk p132f)

The 9 Essex infantry formations are not know, the above is based on that used by the 5 Berkshires.

Infantry orders and intentions

35th Infantry Brigade were to advance on the far right of the British attack. They were to reach the blue line and then establish a defensive flank to the south of it . (W12d)


7 Company were to attack in the first wave on the Left of 35th Brigade. The first wave was to capture the Blue Line, 7 Company’s survivors were then to join the Second Wave assault to the Brown line supporting the 7th Suffolks. Surviving tanks were to rally at the Battalion Rallying Point R17a in the evening.

The Company was distributed along the front with 1 section on the right with A Company 9th Essex, then 2, then 3, lastly 4 Section on the left.

8 Company were to attack in the first wave on the Right of 35th Brigade, 5 and 6 sections were on the right of the company.

The first wave was to capture the Blue Line, 7 and 8 section’s survivors were then to join the Second Wave’s assault to the Brown line supporting the 7th Suffolks. They were to rally at the Battalion Rallying Point R17a in the evening.

After capturing the Blue Line 5 and 6 sections were to help form a defensive right flank; 5 section on the Eastern portion of Gonnelieu Spur, 6 section on the North Eastern Portion; an hour before dusk they were to rally at R22d.95.55.

Note that the above diagram is more or less identical to the formation recommended in "Tank and infantry operations without methodical artillery preparation" (W9Suf p62ff)


W3 - C Battalion War Diary, Battlegraph and Narrative of Operations PRO WO 95/106

H3 - C Battalion War History PRO WO 95/104

W12d - 12th Division War Diary, Pdf download from PRO Kew. PRO-WO-95-1825-5_2

p28ff . Report on Operations on 20th November

W35b - 35th Brigade War Diary, Pdf download from PRO Kew. PRO-WO-95-1848-2_2

This only has one line on 20th November.

W5Berk - 5th Battalion Berkshire Regiment, War Diary, Pdf download from PRO Kew. PRO-WO-95-1850-1_2

p93, tracing showing position of tanks sections

p131ff, Plan showing positions of infantry companies, tanks and infantry formations.

p132 and 133 - List of tanks in 7 and 8 Companies.

Sections and section OICs, tank OICs, battalion Nos, serial Nos and tank names.

W9Esx - 9th Battalion Essex Regiment War Diary, Pdf download from PRO Kew. PRO-WO-95-1851-3

p109 Dispositions

7 Company. 20 November 1917

8 Company. 20 November 1917.

9 Company. 20 November 1917

Cambrai start formations