Composite Tanks

Composite Tanks

Composite (or hermaphrodite) tanks were tanks with one make and one female sponson.

David Fletcher has suggested that composite tanks were created by simply swapping a sponson from a male and female MkV (S11.p142). Gwym Evans, in correspondence with the Author has indicated he believes all the Composite tanks fielded in 1918 were females. Male tanks were fitted with female sponsons after the war and several male tanks were thus photographed.

Central Workshops fitted a Mk V with a MkIV sponson on 18th June 1918 (CW), this was presumably a male sponson though this is not specified.

In early July 1918 Central Workshops were ordered to convert all female machines to "hermaphrodites by fitting male Mk IV sponsons WO 95-117-8 p22

10th and 14th battalions both drew their MkV tanks in July (W10, W14) ; 14th drew 24 male and 12 composite tanks (W14) ; 10th Battalion was also equipped with composite tanks (W10 BHS).

The other MkV battalions all drew their MkV in April (2nd, 8th Battalions), May (9th, 13th Battalions) and June (5th and 4th Battalions) and thus would not initially have fielded composite tanks.

Photographic evidence suggests the first composites probably had MKIV male sponsons:

tank J18, IWM Q 9248:, , , 9424;

X9.p5, X11.dust jacket,

MkV* tanks were also converted to Composites - on 22nd August 1918 1st Battalion Mk V* composite 9806, "Ajax" was filmed in Meaulte 7:22


W1 to W16 - War Diaries for relevant tank battalions, Transcript form Bovington tank Museum

H13 - War History for 13th Tank battalion, Transcript from Bovington tank Museum

CW - Central Workshops War Diary PRO WO 95-

H14 – 14th Battalion War History in PRO WO 95-103

W14 – 14th Battalion War Diary in PRO WO 95-103

General Tank Information