14 Company

20 November 1917

14 Company 20 November 1917

The Tanks at Cambrai 20th November 1917

14 Company, E Battalion with 152nd Brigade, 51st Div, IV Corp, 3rd Army

This was 14 company’s second action

14 Company had 12 fighting tanks in action on 20th November 1917 (W21):

5 Section. Capt Robinson

E24, 2354, m, “Ernest”, 2Lt Webster

???, ????, ?, “Effie”, Lt E.C.G Hawser

???, ????, ?, “Eliminator”, 2Lt MC Godfrey

6 Section. Capt Morrison

E27 (W44.p90), ????, ?, “Ellla”, 2Lt W.S. Haining

???, ????, ?, “Esme”, 2Lt L.M. Johnson

E26, ????, ?, “Egbert II”, 2Lt E.S. Blackwell

7 Section. Capt Hornfray

???, ????, ?, “Ewen”, 2Lt S.H Cohen

E32, ????, ?, “Ethel II”, 2Lt Quainton

???, ????, ?, “Elsie”, 2Lt S.H Bishop

8 Section. Capt Bagshaw

E36, 2767, f, “Eve”, 2Lt C.F. Fairbank

E40, ????, ?, “Edward II”, 2Lt W.R. Bion

E38, ????, ?, “Eileen II” 2Lt B.S. Carter


Only the tank names are given in the Cambrai Battlegraphs.

Tank serial numbers from 26th September.

Tank crew numbers from 26th September when serial number given, or based on crew number of original tank (i.e. ”Edward” was with crew E40 on 26th September so presumably “Edward II” is still with the same crew in November), E27 crew number from S44.p90, otherwise crew numbers a guess.

Orders (W21)

Company was to accompany the second Wave of Infantry and secure the Brown Line (Second Objective, Flesquires Ridge).

Once this had been secured the Company was to exploit to the Third and Fourth objectives

Finally the Company was to Rally at the Battalions R.P: K24d2.4.

Account of Operations (W21)

The tanks set off on time, Ella received a direct hit at the British front line and was knocked out (OIC and First driver both KIA).

The remaining eleven tanks all proceeded. Two tanks were lost in the German front line: Ernest developed Radiator trouble and turned back; Eliminator was knocked out by two direct hits. The remaining nine tanks all successfully crossed the blue line (the far side of the German Front line system) and, with the surviving tanks from 13 and 15 Companies, moved on the Brown line. Upon reaching the brown line and crossing Flesquires ridge the company was engaged over open sites by the surviving guns of a German field battery, the infantry having apparently failed to keep up (possibly because they were waiting for the tanks to clear the wire on the ridge). The company had five tanks Knocked Out by the German battery. Effie suffered three direct hits (at L19a), Ewen 5 direct hits, Elsie a direct hit and Egbert II six direct hits. An eyewitness who saw the wrecks on the 26th November describes how Egbert II had got to within thirty yards of the battery before being stopped, presumably the closest of the destroyed tanks (S40.p306).

According to the battlegraph Eileen II, Esme, Ethel II and Eve all supposedly made the 4th objective and rallied (though this seems very unlikely). Eileen II is mentioned advancing with 15 Company on the right, Eve is part of the same section and may have also advanced on the right. These tanks may have been running low on petrol, or may have simply stopped and aided the infantry by firing on the Germans garrisoning Flesquires. Edward II also survived the morning.

The five surviving tanks, Eileen II, Edward II, Esme, Ethel II and Eve may have been some of the seven tanks that advanced into Flesquires in the late afternoon. Edward II was hit three times and knocked out; the OIC then firing a LG form the roof , forming his crew into a stongpoint and taking charge fo the infantry who had lost their leaders (H5). The other six tanks all withdrew due to the fading light and shortages of ammunition and petrol (S44.p98f).

The four surviving 14 company tanks eventually rallied at K30c.9.8. The original rallying point was not used partially because the new British front line was still at Flesquires; and partially because K30c.9.8 was the farthest the remaining haulage (supply) tank could proceed.

According to the Battlegraph Ethel II suffered a direct hit during the day, whilst the tank rallied it was not in action on the 23rd or referred to thereafter.


Intended: 12

Reserve: 0

At Start: 12

Started: 12

Engaged enemy: 9

Ditched / Broke Down: 1

Hit and Knocked out: 7

Rallied: 4

The author has assumed all nine tanks that reached the Brown line engaged the enemy at some point, though some may not have fired before being knocked out.


Eileen II, Esme and Eve were all in action again on the 23rd November.


W5a - E Battalion Tank Corps. Report on Operations September 20th 1917 (signed 26/09/1917). PRO WO 95/111

W21 - 1st Brigade Tank Corps Summary of Operations 20th to 23rd November in the 1st Tank Brigade War Diary. PRO WO 95 / 98

H5 – History of the 5th Tank battalion. Transcript from Bovington Tank Museum.

W32 – War Diary 2nd Tank Field Salvage Company

S4 - Campbell, Christy (2007). Band of Brigands


E Battalion’s War diary. Transcription form Bovington Tank Museum (W5) does not contain the reports pertinent to this action.

Cambrai Start Positions. E Battalion

13 Company 20 November 1917

14 Company 20 November 1917

15 Company 20 November 1917

1st Brigade 20 November 1917 Map

E / 5th Battalion List of narratives

Cambrai Narratives