17 Company. 20 November 1917

The Tanks at Cambrai. 20th November 1917. Morning – First Phase

17 Company, F Battalion, with 36th Brigade, 12th Division, III Corps

17 Company had 12 tanks in action on 20th November 1917 (H6):

5 Section

F27, m, “Fighting Mac II”

F24, “Frisky II”

F25, “Fums Up II”, 2Lt Emery GW

6 Section

F22, m, “Flying Fox II”

F26, m, “Fearless II”

F28, 2548, “Formidible”


F23, “Foggie II”

F30, 2879, “Flaming Fire II”

F31, m , “Fearnought”

8 Section

F36, “Furious II”

F37, “Ferocious III”

F39, “Fermosa II”


2548 serial number from list of 3rd Brigade Tanks dated 13 July 1917 in PRO WO 95 / 91. Courtesy of Gwyn Evans.

2879 serial number from photo the author can't reference (Courtesy of Gwyn Evans)

2lt Emery had been in command of Crew F25 at 3rd Ypres, he was killed at Cambrai (W6), presumably when "Fums Up II" was KO (se below).

F31 may have been commanded by 2Lt Eckley who was killed on the 27th; Fearnought's unidentified OIC was also killed on this date (H6).

Orders (H6)

16 and 17 Companies were to assault the Blue Line, 16 Company on the Right, 17 on the Left. Sections 1 to 6 deployed South of La Pave Road, sections 7 and 8 to the North. 17 Company were to remain to cover the consolidation of the Blue Line, 16 Company were to re organise whilst the Brown Line was being captured then send 12 tanks to the bridgehead at Masnieres.

Account of Operations (H6)

F24 Destroyed enemy MG and engaged groups of retiring enemies en-route to the Brown line. Reached Brown line then rallied at 11.00am.

F25 stayed with F24 until the Brown line was reached, it then patrolled in front of the Brown line until, it suffered a direct hit which killed the OIC and 6 other ranks. (H6) Burnt Out at R25a.2.3 (W23) (this is presumably incorrect as the location is behind the original British front line)

F26 dealt with the barracks and the barricade, knocking out an enemy MG on its left with its 6 pdr. Reached main Hindenburg Line at 7.50am, but had to stop to strip Autovac. Resumed attack, assisting infantry along a communication trench and destroying an MG. Rallied.

F22 Destroyed an MG on the blue Line, rallied at 10.15am. Fought in afternoon

F27 Silenced an MG in the German front line, thus enabling infantries advance then reached Blue line and rallied

F28 Silenced an MG in Sonnett farm, reached Blue Line at 8am. Patrolled Brown line, not detailed for second phase due to shortage of petrol, whilst patrolling Brown line towards Lateau Wood received a direct hit on the fascine which dented the front of the tank and wounded the OIC and driver. Rallied at 2pm

F31 Fascine chain shot away soon after starting thus delaying advance, presumably the Fascine was dropped at this time. Fired on by two MG in German front line, destroyed one with 6pdr and crushed the other. At Hindenburg line adopted the infantry who were assigned to F26, which was broken down. The infantry proceeded along a communication trench whilst the tank dealt with the hutments on the La Pave road. The tank continued towards Bleak House, mopping up, capturing an MG and 70 or 80 Germans. Rallied about 11.45, section commander wounded by a sniper whilst exiting the tank.

F23 followed F31, engaging enemy, rallied at RP at 10.15am.

F30 Silenced an MG in the German front line then traversed the main Hindenburg line to allow infantry to catch up. Later it patrolled to the Brown line from 8am – 9am and used it’s Fascine to cross a communication trench. The tank rallied but broke down at the rally point (W23)

F36 Broke down and ditched in British Front Line.

F37 reached Main Hindenburg line at 7.45am, handed 30 prisoners to 9th Royal Fusiliers. Crossed support line at 9.25am then crushed wire at request of a party of 9th RF, took some more prisoners. Rallied at 10.25 then proceeded to disperse small parties of enemy at request of an Officer. Was then hit and knocked out, the crew forming Lewis gun detachments.

F39 Cleared Vacquerie support at 7.35am, but was then hit and burnt out at R22a.4.8 (W23). One crewman was killed whilst attempting to extinguish the flames. The remaining crew members formed lewis gun detachments. A photograph shows this tank had not dropped its fascine.


Intended: 12

Reserve: 0

At Start: 12

Started: 12

Engaged enemy: 11

Ditched / Broke Down: 1

Hit and Knocked out: 3

Rallied: 8


F22, F23, F26, F27 and F30 were all in action at Masnieres in the afternoon, see separate narrative.

F25, F36 and F39 were left on the field.

F39 was photographed: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7700258@N05/3036820636/in/set-72157601074582281/

F37 was apparently recovered but did not fight again at Cambrai

F24 and F31 were both all in action on the 21st (Marcoing)

F21, F26, F27, F28, F30 and F31 were all in action on 26th / 27th.


H6 6th (F) Tank Battalion War History PRO 95/107

W23 War Diary of 3rd Tank Brigade, relevant battle graph and narrative PRO WO95/104

S37 - Jean-Luc Gibot and Phillippe Gorczynski (1999) Following the Tanks, Cambrai

Cambrai start formation. F Battalion

16 Company. 20 November 1917

17 Company. 20 November 1917

18 Company. 20 November 1917

F Battalion. Afternoon 20 November 1917

Cambrai 20 Nov 3 Brigade Map

F / 6th Battalion - List of Narratives

Cambrai Narratives

Cambrai start formations