16 Battalion

17 October 1918

Battle of the Selle. 17th October 1918

16th Battalion, with 1st, 6th and 46th Divisions, IX Corp, 4th Army

16th Battalion had 13 tanks in action on 17th October 1918 (H16)

B Company – Maj Lewis JE

Section - Capt VH Rhodes,

2LT Downes BW

Sgt Usher RSP

2Lt Ambrose A

Section - Capt Lowe

Lt Jerram RM

Lt Hall AM

2Lt Needham R

Section - Capt McCorry

3Lt Kinross

Sgt Johnston WR

2Lt Laidlaw W

Section - Capt Chick

Lt Ridley EO

2Lt Thompson EJ

2Lt Macintosh N

2Lt Pease R

Wireless tank


2 extra tanks had been drawn from Tincourt on the 9th October.

“B” Company had 13 tanks on the 14th October, “A” and “C” companies had 5 and 4 training tanks each.

Captain Chicks section included a spare tank (W16)

Tanks 9002, 9150, 9017, 9327, 9172 and 9599 were all handed over to 2nd Brigade on 31st December (W16) , they may have fought in the above action.


Capt VH Rhodes section, 3 tanks to support 46th Division on the right

Two sections were to support 6th Division on the left: Capt Lowe’s section, 3 tanks with 18th Brigade on the right

Capt McCorry’s section, 3 tanks with16th Brigade on the right

46th and 6th Division’s were to capture a line running from about 2500yds East of Molian to the corner of the Wood south of Andigny-les-Fermes

1st Division – Capt Chick’s section, 3 tanks. Was to pass through the 6th and 46th Divisions half an hour after their objective was captured and then capture a line running from Ribeauville - la Vasllee to Cross Roads at Bancs Fossees.

Three hours after the second objective was taken the 1st division with all remaining tanks was to capture the line running through Rejet-de-Beaulieu 500yds east of Wassigny to the north east Corner of D’Andigny Wood

The wireless Tank was to follow up the attack and send messages back to the receiving station at Bohain. Then make its way to Angin farm from where the section commanders (less 1) were to send back reports to the company commander following the capture of the Red dotted Line.

Account of Operations-

The tanks moved up from Bohian and arrived 1000 yds behind the infantry at 10pm.

The morning was very foggy, the tanks used compasses to find their way (H16)., The fog delayed the infantries advance (H16) as many enemy positions were overlooked and thus the infantry were held up, three tanks passed through Andigny Les fermes but the enemy still occupied it at 11am (W16) the units also became very mixed, (H16)

Five tanks (sic) were with 18th Brigade, they knocked out the MGs defending Vaux-Andigny railway station but the infantry lost direction. The right flank followed the tanks south, the tanks were lost and thus the infantry and tanks came to Regnicourt. 1st Division now passed through and took Belle Vue. (OH)

The 1st Division thus overtook the 46th division before the later reached the dotted Red dotted line. (H16) The tanks with this division first came into action at Vaux-Andigny (OH) They helped the infantry greatly silencing MGs at Vaux Andigny Station, at an isolated building SE of the station and at a quarry near the railway and were then continuously in action though they never reached the second phase start line. (W16) Capt Chicks tanks helped the 5th South Staffordshire capture Regnicourt, one tank was knocked out. (OH)

Several tanks went into action twice, Five attacked La Vallee Mulatre, 3 went through Andigny Les Fermes, 2 through Regnicourt and one reached the railway station SW of Wassigny. (W16)

5 of the tanks attached to the 46th and 6th Divisions rallied. One with the crew badly gassed and one with the sponson door blown off. The later tank had been through Regnicourt, Andigny and Les Fermes and then into the western edge of Wassigny. (H16).,

Three of the rallied tanks were sent into action again in support of the Camerons and the other tanks (8 whippets (OH) ) supporting1st Division. One tank reached La Valee Malatre where it suffered a direct hit and was KO. The other two tanks accompanied the infantry to Angin Farm (H16), where one silenced a MG (OH) and then both returned and rallied (H16),

The tanks thet attacked with 4th (?) division. One was KO by artillery fire near Regnicourt, all the crew bar one man being killed or wounded. A second tanks was Knocked out by shell fire soon after starting, the third tank rallied at Angin Farm. (H16).

6 tanks reached direct hits, 2 MkV* broke tracks and 2 ditched. 5 tanks rallied at Bohain. (H16).

The wireless tank successfully carried out its orders and rallied. (H16).

In this area the Germans were now back on them line they had reached on 24th September 1914. (OH)

Section - Capt VH Rhodes,

2LT Downes BW - wounded

Sgt Usher RSP

2Lt Ambrose A - wounded

Section - Capt Lowe

Lt Jerram RM

Lt Hall AM

2Lt Needham R

Section - Capt McCorry

3Lt Kinross

Sgt Johnston WR

2Lt Laidlaw W - wounded

Section - Capt Chick

Lt Ridley EO - wounded

2Lt Thompson EJ - wounded

2Lt Macintosh N

2Lt Pease R

Also wounded – Capt Hamilton APF, 2Lt Gregson W

2Lt Gregson died the nest day (CWG)


Total Tanks:

Failed to Start:

Engaged enemy:

Ditched / Broke Down: 4

Hit and Knocked out: 6

Rallied: 5


Rallied includes the two ditched tanks.


This was the Battalions last action, 10 tanks were with the battalion on 25th October


W16a – 16th Battalion’s War diary in PRO WO 95- 115

H16a – 16th Battalion’s War History in PRO WO 95- 115

OH – Official History, 1918, Vol V, pg 301ff

Selle - 17 to 25 October 1918