26 Company. 20 November 1917.

The Tanks at Cambrai. 20th November 1917

26 Company, I Battalion, with 61st Brigade, 20th Division, III Corps

26 Company had 12 tanks in action on 20th November 1917 (W9):

Company Commander – Maj. WS Poe (H9)

5 Section. Lt H Shackleton

I24, 2Lt EJ Macredy

I26, 4556, f, “Impregnable”, 2Lt J Tattersall

I23, 2Lt CJ Morgan

6 Section. Capt. OG Hutchinson

I27, 2Lt HC Michelmore

I28, 4555, f, “Incomparable” 2Lt SL March Philips

I29, 2Lt, BM Woolf

7 Section. Capt JK Wilson

I31, 2622, 2Lt SW Cochram

I33 2Lt JT Dalton

I35 2Lt G Parsons

8 Section. Lt G Bagshawe

I36, 2Lt M Rutherford

I37, 2Lt Mackenzie

I38, Lt G Bagshawe


I26 sex and serial number from photograph:


I26 and I28 names and I28 serial number and sex from Jean-Luc Gibot and Phillippe Gorczynski (1999) “Following the Tanks, Cambrai” (S37); The Author has been unable to locate an original source for this information.

I31 serial number from a photograph of the tank in German hands, courtesy of Gwyn Evans.

Orders (W9)

26 Company was to attack in the first and second waves.

7 and 8 sections were to attack on the left of the first wave with D.C.L.I

5 and 6 Sections were to attack on the left of the second wave with the 7th D.C.L.I.

Account of Operations (W9)

5 Section

I23 ditched and broke down on the German front line (W23) according to the war History I23 and I24 ditched at Corner Trench (H9); neither tank is indicated on the map (w9m). I26 crossed the Hindenburg and Brown lines, went to the right flank and drove over an MG nest. Captured 5 AA gunners at G32a.9.0. The tank then rallied.

6 Section

I27 and I28 both ditched on the Blue line, I29 crossed the Blue and Brown Lines then ditched whilst attempting to cross La Vacquerie Valley; at R5c5.3 on the map (W9m). According to the battlegraph I27 and I28 both eventually rallied. I29 did not (W23). I28’s OIC was killed by a shell whilst supervising its unditching (H6)

7 Section

I31 worked the box system (?) on the first and second lines, then ditched about zero (5.30am) at R15b in the German front line (R15a.5.2 (W9m) ).

I35 destroyed an emplaced trench mortar at R15c.75.92 then ditched in the German front line. According to Capt Wilson, the section commander, both I31 and I35 broke down due to water being accidentally poured into their petrol tanks the previous night (S40. P129). Wilson goes on to state that after a forty minute delay I35 joined the second wave and silenced enemy MGs in La Vacquerie on the tanks right (S40. P129). I35 continued advancing but was suffered two direct hits and was knocked out whilst advancing down the north East slope of Welsh Ridge; both Wilson and Parsons (I35’s OIC) give accounts of the tanks demise (S40.p147). The War History also states this tank was knocked out by a direct hit (H9) position not indicated on the map (w9m)

I33 Crossed the Hindenburg and Hindenburg Support lines, destroying 2 Mgs in sunken road at R9b.3.9 and several more in the Hindenburg Support Line. Then I33 engaged a Field Battery at L34a.7.9. in the Railway Embankment [presumably L34b.7.9 as the railway doesn't run though L34a] the tank was Knocked out by three direct hits (at L34c.4.7 (W9m) ).

8 Section

I38 ditched in the Hindenburg support Line after crossing corner support to Hindenburg Line. The tank was photographed ditched (s41.p84). Position not indicated on the map (w9m)

I37 crossed over the Hindenburg and Hindenburg Support Lines, then patrolled in front of later whilst infantry consolidated. I37 then proceeded down La Vacquerie Valley engaging dug outs and MG nests. At the end of the Valley the tank helped drive 200 Germans into the Wood west of Les Rues Vertes then assisted the 1st Essex to clear the wood. The War History states this tank was knocked out by a direct hit (H9). The map indicates this tank rallied (W9m)

I36 crossed corner trench to R15b.6.0. over the Hindenburg and Hindenburg Support Lines, then it proceeded NE along the W side of La Vacquerie Valley to the Brown line from whence the Germans were rapidly retreating. The tank had to return repeatedly to hurry up the infantry.

Major Poe was wounded by rifle fire.


Intended: 12

Reserve: 1

At Start: 12

Started: 12

Engaged enemy: 12

Ditched / Broke Down: 7

Hit and Knocked out: 3

Rallied: 3

Note: engaged enemy number is a guess.


Capt H Lane MC was appointed acting Company Commander.

I24, I27 and I38 were all in action on 23rd Nov.

I26, I28, I31 and I36 were all in action again on 24th Nov.

I24 was in action again on 26th and 27th Nov

I23 was photographed in German hands and was therefore presumably left in situ until the Germans recaptured their original front line. (Photo courtesy of Gwyn Evans).

I29 was photographed whilst ditched: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7700258@N05/937602926/in/set-72157601074582281/

Other photos (which the author is unable to reference) show the tank being recovered from the ditched location after the war.


W9 – 9th (I) Battalion’s War diary. Transcription from Bovington Tank Museum

W9m - Maps of "I" Battalion's action held in PRO WO 95-107

H9 – 9th (I) Battalion’s War History. Transcription from Bovington Tank Museum

S37 - Following the Tanks, Cambrai (1999) Jean-Luc Gibot and Phillippe Gorczynski

S40 - Cambrai 1917. The Myth of the First Great Tank Battle (2008) Bryn Hammond

S41 - Beyond the Green Fields (2008) Richard Pullen

FF1 -

Cambrai start formation I Battalion

25 Company. 20 November 1917

27 Company. 20 November 1917

Cambrai 20 Nov 3 Brigade Map

I / 9th Battalion List of narratives

Cambrai Narratives