
4 Company 22 August 1917

The Tanks at 3rd Ypres. 22nd August 1917

4 Company, B Battalion, with 6th S.L.I, 14th Division, II Corps, 5th Army

4 Company had 4 fighting tanks in action on 22nd August 1917 (W22):

2 Section (W22)

B11, 2771, “Bison”, Lt Dalby A.A.

B12, 2555, “Boadicea”, 2Lt Dickens D.T.J.

B13, 2567, “Bear”, 2Lt Simpson A.G.

B14, 2041, “Belladonna”, 2Lt Bentafield H.W.


Crew Commanders names from list in B Battalion War diary, may not be correct for 22nd August (W2).

B14 is given the WD number 2014 in the Battle report, but is listed as 2041 in both 7th June (Messines) and 31st July Battle graphs in 2nd Brigade War Diary (W22).

All other information from Battle reports for 22nd August in 2nd Brigade War Diary (W22).


The 43rd Brigade, 14th Division was to capture Inverness Copse and the open plateau to the north of it including Fitz Clarence Farm. The 6 / Somerset LI on the right were to adavnce through the Copse and the 6 / Cornwall LI on the left to adavance across the plateau (OH)

J13 central was to be the position of readiness (158/839). Tanks were to start from Clapham Junction and subdue L. Shaped Farm and Fitzclarence Farm under cover of a smoke barrage; infantry to rush forward and occupy the positions once they had been subdued. One pair of tanks to each objective: one pair to go the J14b.25.30 then turn South and go return via the north east of Inverness copse dealing with Fitzclarence farm if necessary; the other pair to go to Fitzclarence farm then turn North to J14b.25.30 before returning. Bothy pairs to pay especial attention to the north end of Jap Trench. (w1a)

Zero: 4:30am. (W1a)

Account of Operations

2 Section.

B14 Ditched prior to the Start (W22) when it side slipped into a crater full of water whilst moving up from Leinster Farm to J13 central (158/839)

B11 Attacked with 14th Div. Cleared about 200 yds of trench at J.14.c.7.8. Thence attacked and cleared JAP trench. Covered consolidation, ditched

B12 and B13 both proceeded down the Menin Road (OH) and supported the 6 / Somerset LI (OH), 14th Div (w22) B12 proceeded to J14d.32.10, passing he corner of Inverness copse at 7:25am. Upon reaching J14d.32.10 no troops of either side were visible so the tank commander turned back to try and locate friendly infantry. B13 was found ditched to the south of the road; B12 provided covering fire until 1pm whilst attempts were made to unditch B13. The infantry then requested the tank remain on station and provided some crew to make B13 into a strong point, B12 thus remained in action by the Crater in J.14.c.4.7 until all its ammunition was exhausted at 3pm when it returned and rallied. 1 NCO was wounded. It helped the infantry . (W1a)

B13 went along the Menin Road (OH) to J14c.3.6. then turned left and went along the north edge of Inverness copse, firing on some enemy in Inverness Copse, Jap Avenue and Jap Trench. At J14d.2.6 the tank turned south and the OIC was wounded by debris caused by an AP bullet. The tank went south of the Menin road but ditched at J14d.18.20.

The Somerset's were able to secure their objective and, with the help of B12 and B13, defeated three counter attacks in the afternoon. the cornwalls were stopped by fire from Fitzeclarence and L Shaped Farms. (OH)

OH – Official History, 1917, Vol 2, Pg.204

S35 - Chris McCarthy (1995) Passchendaele. The Day by Day Account

S60 - Track prints (2009) Richard Pullen


Intended: 4

At Start: 3

Failed to Start: 0

Engaged enemy: 3

Ditched / Broke Down: 2

Hit and Knocked out:

Rallied: 1

158/839 indicates two tanks rallied so either B11 or B14 was presumably recovered. The latter seams more likely as it was further behind British Lines.


B13 photographed several times whilst ditched, once in German hands:




Photographed later, in situ, in German hands and, probably post war, being examined by US troops (X60.p74)

Also filmed still in situ in 1926: IWM 1059, 5:35: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/1060023380

B11 and B14 not referred to again, it is possible they also remained in situ however 158/839 indicates two tanks rallied so either B11 or B14 was presumably recovered. The latter seams more likely as it was further behind British Lines.

B12, 2555, fought at Cambrai, probably with crew B6.


W2 - War Diary No2 / B Bttn Tank Corps / B Coy HBMGC 1916 – 1919 Transcript from Bovington Tank Museum

W22 – War Diary 2nd Tank Brigade Corps – PRO WO 95 /101

Report on operations August 22nd, 23rd, 27th, [etc].

Summary of battle History Sheets of tank of "B" Battalion in action 22nd + 23rd Aug. 1917.

158/839 - Report on tank Operatiosn 22nd August 1917. in PRO WO 158 / 839

Note: Chris McCarthy has this attack occurring on the 18th August. (s35.p57)