True Sources of Tyranny and Corruption

While right-wingers and libertarians continue to howl about "statism" or "socialism," in reality in America neither exists. American government, especially under Obama and Clinton, has been one of the most benign, most unobtrusive, most gentle governments on the planet. There are however entities in America that are in fact oppressive, tyrannical and corrupt. And just about all of these entities are unofficial.

By this I mean entities including: right-wing small towns; Jehovah's Witnesses; old-boy clans; corrupt networks in courts, law and medicine; and many, many other. Being unofficial, they are not held to scrutiny as to their potential for corruption and tyranny, allowing such to grow to monstrous proportions. Being unelected, they are not made accountable as to their practices, allowing the worst abuses to take place in them. Being both unelected and unofficial, they have nothing to confront their tendencies toward corruption and totalitarianism. And under the banner of liberty - of getting government out of people's lives - the people at the receiving end of brutality, corruption and oppression by these entities are denied the protection for their rights and liberties that the constitutional government affords people. Not only does this fail to result in liberty promised, but this results in fact in the worst forms of abuse and oppression against American people. And the result, far from liberty, is totalitarianism by such entities against those unfortunate enough to have been born in them and those naive enough to have fallen for their siren song.

Who indeed is a more totalitarian ruler: Obama administration or Jehovah's Witnesses? What is a more deceptive and more corrupt media organ: New York Times or Alex Jones? Who is more invasive and more despotic, Hillary Clinton or Pat Robertson? It is ridiculous for anyone in America to howl about "statism" or "socialism." That's not the source of oppression in America, and it has never been the source of oppression in America. The sources of oppression in America are unelected, unchecked, unbalanced and unaccountable entities such as all the previously specified and many more.

If libertarians spent a fraction of the energy that they allocate to attacking American government on real sources of corruption and tyranny in America, they may actually end up doing some benefit to people's freedom. If, instead of attacking nonexistent "statism" or laughable claims of "socialism," they went instead after oppressive religious groups, tyrannical and corrupt right-wing communities, and murderous networks in operation in America's courts, hospitals, nursing homes, and law firms, they might actually expose and contain real totalitarianism and corruption. Instead they have become a pawn of these and related interests. American libertarians don't work for freedom; they work, without knowing it, for de facto totalitarianism of unofficial, unelected, unchecked, unaccountable and unbalanced organs of oppression.

Tyranny and corruption do not arise where they are expected to arise. They arise where nobody is looking for them. So that while the attention of people who say they want freedom and transparency is expended upon the government, real corruption and real totalitarianism arises where no one thinks that it could. And so we find the most outrageous abuses by towns, churches, families, old-boy networks, and corrupt lawyers and doctors and judges, which nobody wants to look at or to acknowledge, while the nation's attention is directed toward crucifying its legitimately elected leaders.

Not even the true totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was able to come up with a deception this big.