Three Aspects of Human Nature and Human Interest

A being that has evolved as himself, as part of his species, and as part of life, will naturally have orientation toward all three of the preceding. It will be natural for man to care about himself, about humanity and about life. All three interests will be rational function of human nature, and all will occur to different extents in different people and at different times in their lives. And rational as well as healthy direction will be to recognize and give fruition to all three.

When either of the natural interests is denied, it manifests in ways that are sideways, sick and destructive. Thus, where self-interest is denied (in places like former Soviet Union, Iran and Burma), it manifests sideways as corruption, where people in position of power advance their self-interest in ways that are criminal and destructive to others. Where humanity-interest is denied, such as it was in 1980s America and still is in places like Texas, it likewise manifest sideways - as conformity pressure, demand on absolute similitude, and vicious and brutal prosecution of anything that in any respect differs from itself. And where life-interest is denied, it likewise manifests in a destructive manner - such as the sick relationship that the Western civilization has had with nature ever since nature had been portayed as an evil or as separate from God; a relationship in which people want to enjoy nature and to destroy it sadistically at the same time; where people hunt for sport, go to the woods to throw beer cans everywhere, or club to death baby seals and dolphins; and where most plants and animals wind up dead or in the zoo.

These problem can only be overcome by recognizing as valid all three natural aspects of human beingness: Self-interest, humanity-interest and life-interest. And not only recognizing them as valid, but providing a framework in which all can be advanced in a way that benefits all three aspects: Individual humans, humanity, and life.

At which point the intelligence, passion and hard work of which people are capable will rightfully work to the benefit of life, humanity and individual humans; and all three will benefit through liberation, for the constructive benefit, of what people freed to pursue their true nature have to give to the world.