Conservatism: Who Is Infringing On Whom?

One claim I've heard from conservatives is that they want two things of the next person: Not infringe on the conservative's lifestyle and not make the conservative pay for theirs. In fact, conservatives do both consistently.

When I was living in the Bay Area and making good money in software industry, conservatives kept infringing on the San Francisco lifestyle. They kept coming over attacking people, aggressively proselytizing, shouting at people and making all sorts of threats. I wasn't asking them to pay for anything; I made good money. And yet I - and others there - were still getting attacked.

We see the same thing with attacks on homosexuals and single mothers. Most homosexuals work; so do many single mothers. These people are likewise not infringing on the conservative's lifestyle or making him pay for theirs; yet they continue getting aggressively attacked by the conservatives.

As far as paying for the person's lifestyle is concerned, once again the conservatives demand that to a much greater extent than do the liberals. Corporate welfare and corporate subsidies demand outlays that far exceed what is spent on welfare. The states that contribute the most to the Treasury are, for the most part, Democratic-voting; and the states that take the most from the Treasury are, for the most part, Republican-voting. Nationally, the liberal California, Massachusetts, Michigan and New York produce the bulk of both the knowledge necessary for business and technology and its implementation; whereas the red states depend on government-subsidized beef industry, government-subsidized oil industry, government military, and the industry of lies that is the Christian Right - an industry that is extortionist and tricks people into giving to it their money.

So the question then becomes, who infringes upon whom and who is making whom pay for what. The left-leaning states and institutions contribute vastly to America, and a strong case can be made that they do that to a far greater extent than do the Republicans. Science - a vastly liberal endeavor - is at the root of all technology, which means: At the root of all prosperity. Computer industry - a liberal to libertarian endeavor - was at the root of 1980s and 1990s prosperity. Interstate and Internet - government projects - provide an infrastructure for business to do its work. Education - also vastly liberal - makes people employable. And liberal social workers save young people from drugs and crime and help them become contributing citizens.

As for people not infringing upon the conservative, that very much does require a government. Government protects property rights; which if it did not do everyone would be stealing from everyone, and neither capitalism nor financial freedom could exist. The people who take these things for granted simply haven't had much contact with other systems. There have been any number of arrangements that did not protect property rights and saw most of the money go to the kings or the nobles. The protection for property rights requires a government; and the people who believe in "money talks BS walks" but are against the government don't know what they are talking about.

If someone wants to live a conservative lifestyle, that is his right. But don't let these people get away with misconstruing who is supporting or infringing upon whom. Christian Conservatives are extremely fond of infringing on other people's lifestyles. And it is the blue states, not the red states, that contribute most to the treasury.

More people need to understand such things so as not to fall for these people's bluff. They claim to have values and integrity; meanwhile they are lying about everything, and their shouting and aggression gets to people, including people who are basically honest but don't know what they need to know to see through these people's lies. If you are an honest person involved in the Right, I would encourage you to examine what you're being told. You may find that there is more sense in the middle or even on the near-Left than there is on the Right.