Right-Wing Tyrants and American Values

There are many right-wing politicians who are claiming that America's values are under siege.

The correct response is, that depends on what you mean by American values.

If you see it an American value to pollute without sight for the future and for what it does to the rest of the world, then that "value" should be under siege. Likewise if you see it an American value to molest your children and beat your wife, that value should be under siege as well. As for the values that actually made America great - innovation, ingenuity, risk-taking and boldly forging forth into the unknown - these values are not only not under siege, but are being enthusiastically affirmed. So the people who claim that American values are under siege are obviously lying.

Who are these people? Well let me first tell you who they are not.

They are not the "American taxpayer." America gathers majority of its taxes from Democratic-voting states, with California leading the way.

They are not "American patriots." No American patriot would wear an enemy Confederate flag on his truck; believe 9-11 to have been punishment for America; or accept an unelected Bush regime put into place through fraud and corruption and have that regime put America $6 trillion in debt and into the worst economic crisis since Great Depression.

They are not "defenders of American freedom." They do not tolerate freedom in any meaningful form and demand that everyone be the same person, believe the same things, and live the same way. Many of them want to kill or imprison anyone who doesn't. Instead they seek to impose upon America a totalitarian interpretation of Christianity that is not only intolerant of people's freedom not to practice it, but also seeks to destroy all knowledge and advancement that does not validate its apocalyptic worldview.

They are not "fiscal conservatives" or "wise stewarts of taxpayer money." The vast government debt is a creation of their own right-wing Reagan and Bush administrations. The only president in recent memory who actually was a fiscal conservative was Bill Clinton.

They are not believers in "small government." The government was much bigger under Bush than it was under Clinton, with government budget being $1.8 trillion at the end of the Clinton administration and $2.9 trillion at the end of that of Bush. Since these people want to use American government to impose their ways on American people, what they have to offer is neither small government nor freedom from government but an invasive, totalitarian government that wants to control American people's lives and does not allow them to practice any other way than theirs.

They are not "defenders of free enterprise" or practicioners of "economic freedom." Most of them work for, or live in areas whose economy is based upon, government-subsidized oil industry, government-subsidized agriculture, the trucking industry that uses government-built, government-maintained road system for its work, or the military that is a branch of the government.

They are not "prosperity" or "progress." Prosperity and progress at this time in history means implementing high-intelligence, high-technology, high-job-creation renewable clean energy solutions that will allow people to have everything they have now and much more while vastly reducing the damage to the planet. These people instead want to force reliance on inefficient, outdated, toxic technologies while sabotaging real technological and economic progress.

They are not "what made America great." America's achievements are owed to its science - located in liberal Massachussetts and California; to its technology - based in liberal California, Michigan and Washington State; to its entertainment industry - based in liberal Hollywood; to its business - based in liberal New York; and to its military technology - developed under the Democratic Franklin Roosevelt administration.

They are not "American culture." America has many cultures, and they constantly change. The best of these cultures are nowhere near where such people operate, and are constantly under attack from them.

They are not practicioners of "family values." Most of them want the world to end before their children have reached maturity and have supported administrations that busted the budget. They hide behind "family values," while obviously caring nothing about their children, in order to justify and perpetuate wife-beating and child molestation.

They are not practicioners of honor or integrity. They are aggressively in denial of scientific fact, spread paranoid fictions like "New World Order" conspiracy theories, ridiculously compare Obama to Hitler or claim his government to be Communist, and ridiculously blame the Democrats for the debt that was accumulated as a result of Reagan policies and liberal influence or "humanity" for the planetary destruction that is the direct result of conservative policies and conservative-fanned denial of scientific fact. In 2008 election they told voters that Obama was a Muslim terrorist; in 2000 election they used lies about McCain to win the Republican primary and then used lies, fraud and corruption to impose on America an unelected regime during the general election. They lie without consequence and practice extreme dishonesty and corruption both in their politics and in their dealings in the communities of which they are a part.

They are not "honest hard-working Americans." Honesty is very far from these people, as is known to anyone who traced their political activities or anyone in their communities who tried to get away from sexual abuse and family violence. As for hard work, it is not them but mainly liberal scientists, computer professionals, journalists, doctors, teachers, and technological entrepreneurs that work the longest hours and do the most meaningful work.

They are not "real Americans." Many of them are loyal to Confederate values, and most of them are against the European Enlightenment philosophy on which American Constitution is actually based, along with science and liberal democracy that is behind all of America's achievements.

They are not "peaceful Americans." Not only are they extremely brutal in their own personal dealings, but they also constantly agitate for war.

Who are these people then? They are tyrants who want to claim that they are America and that the rest of America isn't and use that claim to oppress the rest of America. They are conmen who appropriate credit for work done by the very kind of people that they want to slaughter and use this work to claim that God or America has accomplished it; for which entities they then appropriate the right to speak, and which claim they then use to bludgeon others into compliance. They are the most dishonest interests in the United States, and their intent is nothing less than imposing real totalitarianism upon United States.

And it is time that more American voters know these people for who and what they are.