Israel: Buy Out the Palestinians

Having studied the problem of Israel and the Palestine, I would like to propose a solution to the conflict.

This is not a typical solution; in fact it is a very Jewish solution. And the solution is as follows:

Buy out the Palestinians.

Think about it. Israel is wealthy; Palestine is dirt-poor. They hate each other and are constantly in one or another kind of conflict. Stopping terrorist activity on the part of the Palestinians takes vast resources that should be better extended elsewhere. Why not simply give Palestinians a check and let them resettle elsewhere in the Middle East?

The current arrangement does not work for either party. Israel has to arm itself to the teeth to deal with the Palestinians and lives an anxious existence, and the Palestinians remain poor and continue preaching hatred of the Jews. Both parties end up finding themselves on their worst behavior, even when they do not intend to be on their worst behavior. They both bring out the worst in one another; so it would be rational to suggest that they not have to deal with one another any more.

How about giving the Palestinians a check each of $40,000 on the condition that they vacate the premises? This is more money than most of these people have ever seen. The result will be savings of much greater resources that now go to protecting Israel from the Palestinians. Israelis would finally be able to live in peace; and Palestinians would be able to find a home elsewhere.

While this would cost money up-front, it would save much greater amounts of money in the long term. It would realize a peace dividend, making it possible to invest some of the resources that go into the military into useful projects. Israel would be able to catch up to America in per capita GDP, and the resources that go into the military would go into valuable work such as science and technology. Israeli Jews would be able to live in peace, and also to make the most of the intellectual gifts for which Jews are legendary to produce first-rate scientific and technological innovation. The last will give Israel the world's gratitude, resulting in more people being willing to respect and be rightful to Israel and the Jews.

I am putting this forth as a Jewish person who has also had acquaintance with Muslims and is tired of the status quo in the region. Peace talks come and go, followed by terrorist attacks or worse. Why not use brains? The Palestinians are people. They have bills to pay. Here would be a way to get them to go elsewhere without killing anyone.

And yes, it would take putting up money; but it will save a lot more in money and lives in the long term.