BGH-Poisoned Children and Unattached Males

Because of all the Bovine Growth Hormone in the beef, the children these days mature physically a lot younger than they used to. I know it's due to the hormones in the beef because my stepdaughter, who is vegetarian, has bucked the trend and looks her age. But this trend is a cause for major concern.

First of all, as children physically mature younger, they will be having lots of sexual hormones with which they are simply too young to deal. They will want to have sex when they are very young; and, with all the anti-abortion stuff going around, there will be a many pregnancies at an extremely young age. Children will be giving birth to children, and of course it will be either the parents or the taxpayer that will be having to take care of the little ones.

Another problem is that incest and pedophilia are likely to get worse. A 13-year-old who looks like a 19-year-old is much more a target than is a 13-year-old who looks her age. Given how big a problem incest and pedophilia are already, this situation will make a bad problem still worse.

But these are nothing compared to the problems that we are likely to see in China and India, where - in China as a result of one-child-per-family policy, and in India as a result of males being valued much more than females - many people abort female fetuses in order to have male descendants. Already in China there are 1.2 males for every female. Given the vastness of the populations of these countries, the number of unattached males will be in hundreds of millions. And we all know what unattached males in large numbers are prone to doing.

So these are fairly disparaging trends, and they don't bode well for the future. It is however possible to prepare for the inevitable. Whether it be (in the West) educating BGH-poisoned children about the consequences of their choices or using creative ways to administer birth control; and (in China and India) finding some creative arrangements where males share women, go with women from places like Africa, or go in large numbers to monasteries so that they don't start wars or become gangsters, there is much that needs to be done to minimize the negative effects of these dangerous trends.