Social Conservatism and Social Totalitarianism

Ralph Reed has said that the people who ignore socially conservative voters and their issues do so at their peril. This is a very revealing statement - revealing specifically of what the socially conservative leaders have in mind for America.

Nobody is preventing the people who want to live in a nuclear family from doing so. The problem is that the people who claim to speak for nuclear family want to deny other people the right to live any other way. And that shows these people to be totalitarians who want to force a single lifestyle on everyone. Which makes these people the biggest enemies of liberty in America.

The true test for liberty is diversity. People differ from one another, and when given freedom they will create different adaptations. When a country is genuinely free, we will see a wide variety of lifestyles. And any attempt to force instead a single lifestyle is tyranny, whether its authors be in the government or in the community and the church.

The socially conservative leaders are therefore tyrants and nothing less than tyrants. They want to force everyone to live their way. And this kind of tyranny has no business taking place in a country that is intended to be free.

As much as is wrong with say political correctness, what Ralph Reed and the boys have in mind is much worse. We are dealing here with real totalitarianism that wants to force everyone to live the way they live. For these people to claim that they are American patriots or that they have values or that they have in mind public benefit is an outrage. They are tyrants and they are conmen. And America is too good a country to be allowed to go to such people.

There are some people for whom the nuclear family lifestyle is simply inappropriate. There are others who get injured badly in nuclear families and, with the nuclear family upheld at all costs, remain tied to their injurers. There are people who are naturally homosexual or bisexual; people who are not cut out for mongamy; people who have other things to do with their lives than be parents. There are women who are by nature dominant or egalitarian who should not be in a submissive wife role. And there are people who got pushed into wrongful marriages or got conned into wrongful marriages who should be able to leave. As a married straight man and a loving father I speak not here from personal preference but from tolerance and observation. The 50s lifestyle is wrong for many people, and freedom requires that people who do not want such a lifestyle - both the women and the men - be free not to practice it.

The socially conservative leaders want to paste over all such things, denying the reality of abuse and the reality of conmanship or blaming the same on the victim. This makes them ill fit for running any social organization. Ethics begin with truth and with real knowledge of what is happening in any given situation. The people who want to deny this reality have no business claiming to have ethics, morality or integrity.

In an ancient Greek play "Lysystrata," women got together and denied sex to their husbands until they ended the war. Perhaps something of similar nature but in real life needs to be done with respect to socially conservative powers today. Something to the tune of, "you will only be allowed to have your nuclear family when you do away with all the abuse that takes place in the nuclear families."

Beyond that, there are simply people for whom the nuclear family - abusive or not - is the wrong way to go. Liberty will realize that and allow for that. Not wanting such things is not any kind of wickedness or any kind of a mental illness. Not wanting such things is rightful for many people, both the women and the men.

The people who are a part of social conservatism want to claim that liberty comes from God, and that this means that liberty requires social conservatism. If that had been the case, then every country that practiced Christianity over the 2000 years of Christianity's existence would have had liberty; and most of these countries did not. The American democracy is a historically recent invention that is based, not on the Bible, but on the works of European intellectuals of 18th century in a period known as Enlightenment. If liberty came from God, then the European Christians monarchies would have had liberty, and they did not.

Liberty does not come from Christianity, and it most certainly does not come from social conservatism. Liberty comes from the realization that every person has a mind of his or her own and is to be allowed choices over his or her own life. This is the case for people who want to live in nuclear families, and it is the case also for people who do not want to live in nuclear families. And if Bible is to be any guide, then most Biblical figures - from David and Solomon to St. Paul - did not live the nuclear family lifestyle and either had any number of wives and concubines, or did not have female companionship at all.

Social conservatism is not even Biblical, which means that it is not even Christian. It is an oppressive and deceptive agenda that is being forced on America by the most corrupt elements in it. For such people to claim to speak for ethics, morality and integrity is as much an outrage as it is for the practicioners of political correctness to claim to speak for women or for social progress. Neither of these usurpers have been voted for the task they are claiming to practice; and neither of these usurpers have rightful qualities for the task.

The only way that ignoring social conservatism can be done at one's own peril is through social conservatism percolating through all of society to force everyone into its maw. This means that the agenda of social conservatism is the agenda of social totalitarianism, and that if its proponents get their way then everyone would be forced to live by this social totalitarianism. It is time that liberty become once again a value and a virtue and stand strong against this form of oppression. America's future and the liberty of its citizens deserve nothing less.