Dealing with Misogynists

As misogynistic attitudes continue to spread, it is important to address them to their core. That means looking at their central contentions and showing them to be lies.

First let me tell you what's not effective in this regard. One thing that's not effective is contending that these people are sexist pigs. They don't mind being sexist; they believe that the woman should serve the man. Also ineffective is seeing this as a matter of self-esteem orother psychological factors; it is not. It is a matter of attitude and conviction.

What would be effective? Logically, addressing their central attitudes.

One of these attitudes is that they are real men. They are not. A real man would control himself and wield his power wisely. A real man would refuse to beat up on someone one-half his size. What these practice is not manliness; it is cowardice and lack of self-control. A real man would stand up to someone big beating up on someone little, not be someone big beating up on someone little.

Another attitude that these people have is that they are moral. They are not. They get all sorts of value from their relationships with women, from sex to companionship to dinner and clean house. And instead of rewarding the women for what they get from them, they instead choose to beat up on the women. That makes them thieves. They get what they want from the woman, and, instead of rewarding the woman appropriately, instead abuse her. They are thieves. And thieves have no business claiming to be moral.

Also prevalent is the idea that they are doing it for God. To this a statement from the Bible must be quoted: "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matthew 25:40). You dislocate your wife's shoulder, you've done it to God. You've dragged your girlfriend by the hair or strangled her, you've done it to God. And God would be in no way happy with such behavior.

It's not enough to use arguments that would sway a feminist or an academic. These people have contempt for all that. They need to be met at their level and have addressed their central attitudes. The more this is done, the more effective feminism becomes at confronting the real wrong of domestic violence.