From Relativism to Absolute Perception

The relativistic idea of multiplicity of perspectives can give way to an absolute understanding through computation of these perspective. Of whatever the perspective is a function can be known and mathematically represented. Then the statements made by the people involved can be corrected for the function of their perception, resulting in a precise result being achieved in understanding the phenomenon: By knowing the person's judgment of the phenomenon and factoring out of it his judgment function.

Relativists are right to state that there are many perspectives. Where they are wrong is in claiming that one perspective is as good as another. With computation of the perception it becomes possible to arrive at a full understanding of where each perception would land the perceived - and also where they would lead the perceiving.

Then it becomes possible to absolutely compute people's perspectives and be able to know empirically which ones are better and about what.

If a mysogynist makes an insulting statement about one or another woman, this statement can be seen as a function of his perception of women as juxtaposed with the woman's behavior. According to a misogynist, anything that women do is wrong, and he is going to make up insulting claims about anything that any woman may want to do or what any woman can be. Thus, a statement such as "bitch" - when coming from a perspective of someone who hates women - can apply to any number of behaviors, particularly ones that threaten him. So if a misogynist says that someone is a bitch, it can mean any number of things about the woman, the biggest one being that she has enough strengthening qualities to be seen as a threat to his interests.

If a racist states that one or another black person is a dangerous person, the real meaning of that can likewise be seen from examining his perspective. According to racists, black people are inferior; and when a black person is superior in something, then that threatens his worldview, making the person dangerous to the racists. So if a racist calls a black person dangerous, the real meaning is that the person has strengthening qualities and is thus dangerous to those who want to teach their children that black people are inferior.

The relativist is right to state that there are many perspectives; he is wrong to claim that one is as good as another. The relativistic idea can be turned into an absolute situation by quantifying the perspectives involved. One goes as far as the relativist, then one goes further - into understanding the perspectives for what they are.

And this leads to a way of knowing things that is absolute and informed at once.