Smart and Genius

Smart competes; genius innovates.

Smart follows existing directions; genius creates new directions.

Smart learns from existing knowledge; genius creates knowledge that does not yet exist.

Smart learns how things work; genius figures out how they could work better.

Smart works in existing establishments; genius forms new establishments.

Smart adapts to reality; genius influences new additions to reality.

Smart improves practices of producting existing products; genius invents what has not existed before.

Smart looks toward what has worked in the past; genius looks at what could work in the future.

Smart asks how; genius asks why.

Smart applies existing ways of understanding things; genius creates new ones.

There is room for both smart and genius. And it is important that both know what are they and what are each other.

In the best scenario, genius invents, then smart implements.

That way, people get the benefits of both smart and genius without the flaws in each.