Feminism, Christianity and Nuclear Family

There are vast populations who see as the authority for their relationships the Bible or the Quran; and there are others who see as the authority for their relationships the works of the politically correct feminists of 1990s wave. Neither of the above qualify as authority.

Why do they not qualify as authority? Because none of these had valid relationship experience. Most of the Biblical figures did not practice the monogamous marriage that is equated with Christian values. Of the Biblical figures, David, Solomon and Abraham had both wives and concubines, with David and Solomon having any number of both; and the prophets, Jesus and Paul were never married. The Quran is even less of a legitimate authority because its author, Mohammad, was a rapist and a pedophile. What this means in real-world terms is that none of these people knew what they were talking about, and none of them qualify as authority on this matter.

With 1990s feminists we see the same thing. These women were not only not in man-woman relationships; they were against man-woman relationships. According to them, heterosexual sex is rape. This means likewise that they don't know what they are talking about and do not qualify as authority on the subject.

Who does? Probably the ones you want to ask the most are the people who've had good man-woman relationships; and these are neither of the above. Gerry Spence is one. Barack Obama is another. These are men who have had loving and lasting relationships without being violent or abusive, and they have a lot to teach other men.

One of the best relationships I have seen was between my Latin teacher, Hughlings Himwich, and his wife. I lived with them for a short period of time and observed their interaction. They were fully committed to one another and made it their policy to be kind and supportive to one another. They honored each other's priorities and worked together to get them all accomplished. When his wife was sick, he took care of her. He was an atheist. Supposedly atheists are jerks. Here was an atheist who wasn't.

With both the New Testament and 1990s feminism, we see people being told that the best way to be is to be single. The New Testament does more to acknowledge human reality and advises to marry so as "not to burn;" militant feminism does less to acknowledge this reality. And the latter must be confronted with realism. Most women will want to be with men, and most women will want to have children. The rightful direction of feminism is not to dissuade women from getting married but making marriage and family a better experience for the women.

By confronting domestic violence; by confronting ugly crimes against women in families; by teaching and demanding men to be good to their wives.

I have very little to say in favor of Islam. As for Christianity, it commands people to be compassionate and loving; and the men who fail to do so in marriages do not qualify as true Christians. Nor do they qualify as possessing family values, character or integrity. Self-control is a part of any concept of character and integrity, and good treatment of one's wife and one's children is a part of any concept of family values. Which means that not being violent or abusive to one's wife is a necessary part of both family values and character. And the man who fails to practice this self-control has no business claiming to have character and integrity or to practice family values or to be a real Christian.

More people will have respect for the nuclear family if it is done right. And that means doing away with abusive practices that take place in many nuclear families. Most women will want to marry; most women will want to have children. It is critical that this be a good experience for the women, and that nuclear family cease to become defined by violent and tyrannical conduct.

For a long time this problem has not been adequately addressed; and it is high time that it be adequately addressed. At stake is the fate of one half of the world's population that are women, as well as the health of their children. If family unit is to again become an authority, it must be done better than it has been done before. And that means ending violent and abusive practices and demanding of men in families a gentlemanly behavior.