Beauty and Spirituality

There are some people who claim beauty and spirituality to be incompatible with one another. Quite simply, these people have not seen enough good art.

Art is about both beauty and spirituality. Some of the most spiritual people I've known were beautiful women - and yes, you guessed it, they were artists.

As we can see, beauty does not have to be shallow or skin-deep and can in many cases go down to the bone.

In the same way as ugliness does not have to go down to the bone and can be a temporary condition that one gets beyond.

As to the study of beauty, the best place to go to is science. There was one scientific experiment in which a face with particular proportions was shown to people from around the world, and everyone said that it was beautiful. Another study showed 500 faces to 20,000 participants, and each face got picked as the most beautiful at least once. There are unmistakeable implications to both studies.

The first strikes a body blow to the politically correct argument that beauty is only relative or only culture-dependent, even as it affirms the romantic case that in beauty there is a universal truth - a truth that speaks to all of humanity and that is now discovered through mathematics.

The second refutes the claims by abusive school cultures and families that someone they don't find attractive is doomed to loneliness or abuse, even as it affirms the egalitarian case that there is someone for everyone.

So it's about time to put to rest the argument that beauty and spirituality are incompatible. In fact they are highly compatible, and in the best cases are found to exist in the same person.