Brazil: Soccer Defeat, Political Triumph

Like many other people rooting for Brazil, I was shocked by the outcome of the World Cup semifinal game between Brazil and Germany. Brazil was handed the worst defeat in its history, by a margin (7-1) which is associated typically with marginal teams and not with the world's greatest soccer powerhouse. Germany played brilliantly, and they completely took the Brazilians apart. Four goals were scored in a single 10-minute period.

Germany earned this victory. Loew is a brilliant coach, and Germany had any number of excellent players; whereas Brazil's star player had to sit out the game as a result of an injury. However not all is lost for Brazil. The World Cup publicized Brazil and presented it as a growing, up-and-coming country that it is. And that is ultimately more important than winning a match.

Economically and politically, times for Brazil have never been better. It has a vibrant economy that is now rivaling that of France or UK in GDP; and it also has a working, stable democracy. Much has been done to confront the real problem Brazil has had for a long time, and that retarded its development - institutional corruption. People from all over the world are setting up shop in Brazil.

No, there was no Pele on this team; but life for Brazilians is much better now than in the Pele days.

So that while this game was an embarrassment, there are other things that Brazilians can take pride in. Brazil's economic and political accomplishments are more important than soccer. The more Brazil continues along this line, the better will be the situation for the Brazilians. And then the tears of embarrassment will be replaced with tears of joy at the site of this beautiful country growing and improving.