America and Rome

One claim frequently made among Christian conservatives is that America is another Roman Empire, and that liberties afforded to Americans cannot last.

This claim is simply wrong.

The real problem with Roman Empire was the horrible institution of slavery, in which lived three quarters of the population and which was the rightful source of hatred against Roman Empire and against “the world.” America does not have this institution of slavery. Which means that America can go on as it does indefinitely without falling victim to barbarian invasions.

The real problem with Roman Empire was slavery; which America does not practice. Personal freedoms do not result in destruction of civilizations; stupidity does. In 20 AD, a Roman inventor named Hero of Alexandria invented the steam engine. The Romans were idiots and thought that there was no use for that invention, as slave labor was cheap and abundant enough for them. If they had thought ahead, they would have industrialized 1800 years early, made military machines that would have made mincemeat of any invading army, and ended the horrible institution of slavery. Instead they were stupid; and their stupidity caused their empire to collapse.

America does not have to repeat the errors of the Roman Empire. It can move to better technologies that would provide Americans for all their present needs and more with vastly fewer destructive effects. It can move to clean energy and better technologies. It doesn't have to repeat the errors of the Roman Empire.

History is instructive as it teaches us to avoid the errors of our ancestors. The Romans made wrong decisions; but we don't have to make wrong decisions as well. America does not have to go the way of the Roman Empire. It can make better choices than the Romans. And the more people do that, the better becomes the lot of America and the better becomes the lot of humankind.