Nazism, Jews and Personality Disorders

In their attempt to prevent the atrocities of World War II from re-occurring, one wrongful direction has been to explain them as a result of Hitler having narcissistic or psychopathic personality disorder. There are two things wrong with that claim.

One is that Hitler does not own atrocity, and vast atrocities have also been committed by normal Muslims, normal Communists and normal Christian imperialists.

The other is that this implicates all sorts of people who are not Hitler and who do not wish to kill anybody at all. Most “narcissists” and most “sociopaths” go through life without committing a single serious crime. To equate them with someone who's killed 50 million people is very wrong.

The real problem had nothing to do with Hitler's psychology, but rather with his beliefs. He created a hideous ideology that wanted to kill all the Jews and enslave everyone else. It is this ideology that must be confronted.

The best way to confront Nazi ideology is to alert people of how much the Jews have done for the Western civilization. Although a very small population, the Jews have won the number of Nobel prizes comparable to that of England and Germany combined. The Jews have taken a leading role in science, technology, business and the arts. For a small population, confronted as it is also with the hatred with which it is confronted, this is no small feat.

Most Nazis today do not have personality disorders, but they continue indulging in this terrible ideology. Which means that to prevent Nazism from coming back it is not enough to vilify Hitler as a person, however bad a person he was. It is necessary instead to refute Nazism, so that the Nazis – both those possessing of personality disorders and those not possessing of personality disorders – are stopped in their murderous intentions against the Jews and their enslaving intentions against everyone else.

Most narcissists and most sociopaths aren't mass murderers. Nor do these disorders own atrocity. Normal people keep doing horrible things all the time. Musim expansionism, Communism and Christian imperialism have committed atrocities comparable to those of Hitler; and most of these people did not have personality disorders.

What needs to be screened for is not psychology but ideology. A person who believes in a superior race, or a person who believes that Allah will give him 72 virgins in heaven for killing infidel, is vastly worse news than most people with personality disorders. As the conflicts in Middle East continue, the evidence grows for there being other sources of evil than “narcissism” or “sociopathy.” And this evil is a result of your normal, non-personality-disordered, man.