Right-Wingers, Hypocrisy and Human Nature

One common claim for 1980s coming after 1960s and 1970s was, "human nature won out." This claim is false. Hippies had their own nature as well. And yet their nature, which sought music, mind-altering experiences and romantic relationships was vilified, while the nature of people who wanted large houses was glorified. Which means that it's not a matter of human nature winning out, but a matter of the nature of some people winning out - against the nature of any number of others.

We see this kind of hypocrisy all the time. The same people who maliciously attack passion and feeling and those who have them, then claim that people who don't have the same feelings as they do themselves are sociopaths and narcissists. The same people who are into survival and competition howl bloody murder when competition favors somebody other than themselves. The same people who think that they're so strong squeal like little girls when they find someone who's stronger than they are but has a different perspective. The people who think that they define sanity, or strength, or intelligence, go apoplectic when someone whom they think to be insane, or weak, or stupid, actually wins.

We see this of course in political matters as well. The Texans are all into winners and losers and "money talks bullshit walks." When the car industry was relocating overseas, they did nothing for their fellow Americans who lost their livelihood. They called them losers and told them to face reality. And yet when there is progress being made in the energy industry, suddenly the world is being run by a Satanic conspiracy and evil Jews are running Wall Street and communists are taking over the United States. This level of hypocrisy must not have been easy to achieve.

But even harder to achieve must have been this level of hypocrisy: For these people to claim that they are real America or that they speak for values and righteousness.

And I for one find it unbelievable that other people aren't saying this outright.