Ending the Punk Way of Life

I say with no hesitation that I hate punks, whatever their race or ethnicity. The reason is that I have known a number of women from the punk side of town, and I have known what the males on the punk side of town like to do to them. I am advocating a three-pronged strategy to do away with the punk way of life and end hooliganism and gangsterism as we know it.

The first is stepping up military recruitment on the punk side of town. These men want to be strong and tough; in the military they will learn to be strong and tough. They will also learn the self-control and discipline that they need in order to be effective. The military will teach them skills that they'll need to be effective individuals. With all the scholarships that the military has, these people will then be able to pursue a better way of life outside of where they come from - or, should they choose to return to where they came from, stand to become a strong force for the betterment of their communities.

The second is prison reform. Right now, prisons are a gangster's paradise where people spend all their time beating up and raping each other. If they were instead to spend that time working, not only would they be reimbursing the taxpayer but they would also be learning skills that they'll need to stay out of prison when they get out. The people who go into crime in order to avoid working will have to face reality - namely that they have to work, and it's the matter of either working while in prison or working while outside of prison. Instead of having a culture that benefits the naturally violent people - the culture of constant fights and rapes - the prisons will become a culture that violent people abhor: The culture of work. And that will be a major deterrent for these people from committing violent crime, as much as it will do much to prepare these people for constructive employment when they get out.

Finally, the economic basis of punk activity should be pulled out from under their feet. The reason that the punk entities such as gangs, drug cartels and pimps exist, is that there are substances and activities that people demand which are against the law. If these substances and activities - drugs and prostitution - are instead legalized, then there will be nothing for gangs, drug cartels and pimps to do, and they will have to cease their brutal behavior and find legitimate employment. This makes sense for two other reasons. One is that, when something that's in demand is criminalized, only criminals can supply it; and that is the reason for all the ugliness and violence surrounding prostitution and drugs. Another is that it's not up to the government to tell consenting adults what they can do with their bodies nor to tell adults what they can put into their bodies. Legalize prostitution and drugs, and end the vast bulk of crime as we know it.

The first - military recruitment - will give an opportunity for a better life to people who otherwise would be hooligans or gangsters. The second - working in prison - will provide both a disincentive from violent crime and the skills that these people will need to remain out of the system. And the third - legalizing drugs and prostitution - will take the economic basis of gang activity from under their feet, so that the people who otherwise would be pimps, gangsters or drug-runners will have to find something legitimate to do.

I am sure that the time for all three of these ideas has come.