Genetics and Racial Mix

Since the release of Mel Gibson's movie "Passion" we have seen a rise in Jew-hating and racist ideologies. One of the claims made is that different races have evolved over thousands of years for their place, and that interracial mixing has negative results. This is a load of crap.

The two most attractive populations in the world - the Ethiopians and the Venezuelans - are a product of racial mix. Racial mix brings together positive genes from different populations and combines them in a way that enriches each other. Positive genes from one population combine with positive genes from the other population to create children that have both. The result is positive, not negative; and what we see in racial mixes is the different races' genes combining with one another to produce what either is not capable of by itself.

Say you have someone from one population, which has genes for athletics and music, getting together with someone from another population, which has genes for academic intelligence. The result is a child that has genes for athletics, music and academic intelligence at once. Neither population has the genes for all three; but a mix of the two populations does have the genes for all three. This results in a positive, not negative, genetic outcome.

My daughter is part-Jewish, part-Irish and part-German, and her genetics are amazing. She is a straight-A student, she is very beautiful, and she has a warm and radiant personality that makes her a star everywhere that she goes. Her mother and her father are very different from one another. I am basically a nerd, and her mother is a goddess. If I had her with someone who's like myself, she would have only one set of positive genes; but with me and her mother, she has the full combination.

Racial mixing is also good for social peace. The populations that have a large amount of intermarriage among each other are less likely to go to war. If a child can have Jewish and German blood, then we know that the world is going in the right direction. It means that the legacy of Nazism has been defeated, and Jews and Germans can not only live in peace but also have children with one another.

Racial mixing makes sense genetically, and it makes sense socially. The children get positive genes from the two populations and have more going for them genetically than does either race in the mix. And the more people from different races marry each other and have children together, the less we will see of inter-racial conflict.

Racial mixing makes sense, and more people should be doing it.