Sheep, Wolves: Any Other Species?

A common metaphor for human interactions in Christian and Christian-influenced areas has been that of the sheep and the wolves. The sheep are seen as good, wolves as evil. My question: What about all the other species?

Nature contains huge variety. To claim that people can only be one of two species of that variety is extreme folly. What about antelopes and gazelles? What about tigers, lions and leopards? What about dolphins, reindeer, koala bears, mongoose, elephants, lemurs, birds?

The wolf-sheep paradigm wants to do away with all these, and such has in fact been the result of implementation of sheep-wolf thinking: A plundered planet and a culturally impoverished, homogeneized, humankind. The sheep-wolf thinking wants everyone to be at every level a sheep - and claim that, if one is not at every level a sheep, then a wolf. The foolishness that is behind this thinking is responsible for huge range of evils now faced by humanity.

In personality psychology, anyone who is not at every level its product is seen as basically inhuman and irredeemably evil. This is the case regardless of how much good the person does. The Orwellian concept of crimethink has been introduced through claims that people can be made criminal by their personality - that is, by their thinking. And with that, has been introduced a very real totalitarianism - not one of government, but one of whatever unchecked, unbalanced, and unaccountable groupthink, usurps the power to run the place and the time, to shape people, and to define people in reference to itself.

From the perspective of the rest of the world, sheep and wolves work together. The shepherd sends the wolves across the world to clear the land of all other species; the sheep come in and overgraze the place. That some wolves would start going after some of the sheep, should be expected. And yet such things are met with horror, which horror did not accompany the full-scale destruction of other, beautiful, species, all around the world, to make room for the sheep.

The worst evils in the world have come from the belief that people are, or should be, the same. This belief is responsible for genocide, jihad, imperialism, Stalinism, and demicides, witch hunts, and holocausts of all kind throughout the history of the world. The demand that people must at all levels be sheep is totalitarianism that goes all the way to the core of the people. As such, it is a betrayal of life, liberty, and all that the countries subverted by this con against their original purpose are meant to be about.

The sheep and the wolves are a false duality. One should be neither a sheep nor a wolf. One should think outside false thinking to allow more clarity. There are millions of beautiful species around the world, that are being brought to the brink of extinction by the sheep, the wolves and the shepherds. One should identify with these species and give them a real chance at a life, while also doing the same for the planet and its inhabitants.