Society vs. Checks and Balances

Whenever one hears such statements as "the family is the foundation of society," what one hears is an attempt at tyranny.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that everyone must be married. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that everyone must have a nuclear family. Instead, the people who make such assertions are practicing an illegitimate power grab. They claim to be speaking for an authority that is unelected, unofficial, unaccountable, unbalanced and unchecked. And what this means in real-world terms is that they are practicing real-world totalitarianism.

The founders of America recognized, rightfully, that government has the potential for tyranny and corruption. For this reason they created a government that is checked, balanced and accountable to the voter; that is specifically directed as to its rightful parameters and checked from other parts of the government in case it oversteps its legitimate prerogatives. The result has been one of the most benevolent and nonviolent governments in the history of the world.

With people who claim to speak for society, there is no such accountability, check and balance. They claim that they are the basis of everyone's lives. They claim that the authority for which they speak is what is keeping America together. What they are practicing is a totalitarian power grab. They postulate an unelected, unofficial, unchecked and unbalanced authority and claim to speak for it. They practice a de facto tyranny. And far from being threatened by gays or single mothers, America is threatened to a much greater extent by social conservatives who make such claims.

Freedom means freedom; and that means freedom as to whether or not to be a part of a nuclear family. It especially means freedom from illegitimate power grabs, such as what we see practiced by social conservatives. They claim to speak for an authority for or against which nobody has voted. Which means that they claim to speak for something that escapes checks and balances demanded of official power and that therefore has nothing to keep it from becoming tyrannical and corrupt.

And that makes a mockery of the liberty and morality for which these people claim to speak.

If "society" is to be made an organ of power, then it must be a power that is elected, official, accountable, checked and balanced. It must be a power that is voted for, whose practices are precisely specified, and that is kept to its legitimate prerogatives and checked from within and without in case that either the practices or their enforcement are in violation of constitutional law and human rights. And until this happens, nobody has the right to claim to speak for society or to assert that any single lifestyle is essential to the running of a country.

Most homosexuals tend to keep to their own. So do most swingers, most promiscuous people, and most hermits. A country does not begin to be harmed by these people's activities. Whereas there is heavy evidence that the country and its citizens are injured severely by practices that take place in conservative communities - practices such as domestic violence, incest, and institutions created to hide the same. People in these conservative communities are taught from the earliest ages to lie and to follow liars. And that does not create a good character. That creates a character of conmen and conmen's prey.

Would you want these conmen ordering you around? Telling you what life you can live, what lives your children can live? Claiming that they have ethics and that you don't - claiming that they have integrity and you don't - claiming that they are true Americans and you aren't - claiming that they are Christian and you are demonic - claiming that they are good people and you are scum? Would you let these conmen run your country - as they did under Bush - and drive it into the ground? Would you let these conmen define for you what values to have, how to live, whom to love? What we see with these people is an attempt to create conman's totalitarianism. A way to foist upon people a corrupt and tyrannical unelected, unofficial, unchecked and unbalanced authority and in so doing vitiate liberty and transparency in the country.

There is a need and a sacred duty for everyone who holds liberty dear to stand up to these would-be totalitarians. And in so doing actually advance liberty and integrity. These social conservatives do not have a superior character; they have an inferior character. And American people deserve better than being ordered around by these scoundrels.