Rebellion and Sociopathy: False Equation

For a long time, many in law enforcement and in general population have believed a lie: That the people who take objection to social norms are people who are cold, heartless and lacking a conscience ("sociopaths"). The problem is, this belief is a complete and utter lie.

The people who are actually cold, heartless and lacking a conscience aren't the people who take objection to one or another social norm. These people go along with whatever norms there are in any given place and time and manipulate people in them while pretending to be paragons of virtue. The people who take objection to wrongful ways on the other hand are people who have enough discernment and conscience to see wrong for wrong, whatever may be the beliefs of the place and the time, and enough ethical courage to confront it.

The equation of sociopathy with rebellion is therefore false in every meaningful sense. People who are actually cold and lacking a conscience do not fight entrenched wrong; they go along with entrenched wrong and use it to their advantage. The people who take objection to entrenched wrong are people who have the discernment to see wrong for wrong and the principle to fight it even when it's not profitable to them personally. Which not only makes them not sociopaths, but indeed makes them the opposite of what sociopathy is.