Writings by Ilya Shambat


Integrative Cognition and Dualities

Untying the Gordian Knot

Science and Spirituality

Beauty and Spirituality

Lessons and History

Values, Interests and the Middle

Spiral, Spirituality and Social Progress

Science, Spirituality and Positive Middle Path

Spirituality and Sensuality: Nature's Lessons

Expressing Spiritual Reality

Active and Passive Spiritual Experiences

Arts and Sports

Metaphor and Humor

Do Ends Justify the Means?

What It Means to be a Good Person

My Misgivings About the Golden Rule

New Age: What Went Wrong?

Humility and Buddhism

Enlightenment and Romanticism: Productive and Creative

Why America Should Have Time for Art

Immanuel Kant and Scott Peck

Intellectuals and Freedom

Examined Life and Passionate Life

In Defense of Scientific Empricism

Quantum Mechanics, Observation and Change

Rational Understanding of Human Nature

Nature and Righteousness

Gangsters, Despots, Cowboys and Definitions of Strength

Oppressive Mentalities and America

Real Lessons from Darwin

Nature's True Lessons

On Human Nature

Benign Patriotism and Malignant Patriotism

Wrong Lessons from Trojan War

If Man Can Destroy, Then Man Can Create

Intelligence vs. Stupidity: Creation vs. Destruction

False Link Between Stupidity and Kindness

Common Sense vs. Real Intelligence

True Humility; False Humility

Integrity and Freedom

Spirituality and Anecdotal Evidence

Life and Values

Levels of Identification and Synergy

Errors of Ayn Rand

Plato and Poetry

Usefulness of Poetry

Work, Faiths and Pol Potism of the Spirit

Family Unit: Sacred or Merely Human?

Logic of Beliefs


Correcting Corruption Potentials

Libertarianism and More Inclusive Liberalism

Regionalism and Freedom to Roam

Libertarianism and Private Corruption

Nature and Civilization

Right-Wing Ideology Deconstructed in 700 Words

Olympia Snowe Republicans and a Biophilic Alliance

Liberalism and Patriotism

Elements of Conservatism

Political Interests: Legitimacy and Wrongdoing

Society vs. Checks and Balances

Obama and Right-Wingers

Obama's Kennedy Moment

Conservatives: Who Is Infringing Upon Whom?

Who Built America?

America and Elites

Why I Am Not a Marxist

Responsibility and Externalization of Costs

Government, Science and Private Organs of Deception

Social Conservatism and Social Totalitarianism

Court Corruption and Court Accountability

Constitutional Pharisees

Jews and Patriotism

Neo-Nazism, Political Correctness and Censorship

Republican Women and 1960s

Gender Wars: Causes and Solutions

False Accusations and Better Feminism

Real-World Solution to Gender War

Female Establishments: Coercion toward Loserhood

Egalitarianism and Gender Differences

Feminism and Romanticism

Dealing With Misogynists

What Feminism Needs

Making Sense of Feminism

Africa and Homosexuality

Why 1960s Was Not an Anomaly

World War II Generation and 1960s

World War II Generation and History

Republican Class Wars

Democrats and Winners

Are the Tea Party Really "The People"?

Mr. Putin: End These Wrongs

Brain Drain in Russia and America

China's One Child Per Family Policy

Brazil: Soccer Defeat, Political Triumph

Russia and China: Who Is More Worthy of Respect?

Refuting the Idea of Taliban

Islamist Propaganda, Achernar and Noreagaa's Wakeup Project, Debunked

Cross-Influence: West and Islam

The West's Moral Superiority to Islam

Islam and Liberalism

The French and the Cowboys

The Americans and the French

America and Rome

Syria's False Definition of Strength

Europe and Israel: Trading Places

Wrong Lessons from Second World War

Israel: Buy Out the Palestinians

Irrigate Sahara: End African Hunger and Global Warming

The Triumph of Seretse Khama

Philanthropy and Competence

Environmentalism: The Rational Stance

Environment and Technology

Rome, Energy and Armageddon

Conservative Values and Global Warming

UN and Democracy

American Universities and Christian Right

Real Problems with America's Primary Education System

Women, Minorities and Respect

"How things are supposed to be"

Conservatism and Change

The Lie of Traditional Values

Right-Wingers, Hypocrisy and Human Nature

"Radical Progressives" and Reagan Conservatives

Open Letter to American Medical Association

BGH-Poisoned Children and Unattached Males

Suggestions for Improving Inner City

Ending the Punk Way of Life

Charity and Corruption

Genetics and Racial Mix

Perspectives on White and Black Racism

Electoral Lessons: Statesmanship vs. Jerks

Class Warfare Accusations and Rational Taxation Policies

Communitarianism and Corruption

Why America Deserves Better than Puritan Values

"Family Values" and Social Totalitarianism

Feminism, Christianity and Family Values

Yugoslavia and Political Correctness

We Don't Need No Political Correctness

Republicans and Unofficial Totalitarianism

Christian Right: The True Totalitarians of America

The Character of American Right

Right-Wing Tyrants and American Values

On Anti-Scientific and Anti-Intellectual Conmen

"New World Order" Conspiracy Theories and Related Big Lies

Texas Intellectuals and Texas Conmen

Who Owns Family Values?

Gun Rights and Prisoner's Dilemma

True Sources of Tyranny and Corruption

Tea Party Candidates and Clinton Boom

Confronting Republican Lies

Stand Proud, Liberal Democrats


Applications of Integrative Cognition

Errors In Psychology

Tips on Parenting

Ingredients of Friendship

Psychology and Religion

On Narcissism

Refuting Political Correctness

Why Conservatives Should Be Against Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence and Red Herrings

Family and Incest

How Children Should Be Treated

Strategies for Fighting Domestic Violence

India's Man-Woman Relationships

Incentives In Man-Woman Relationships

Feminism and Parenting

Political Correctness and Better-Construed Feminism

The Real Gender War

Misogyny and Confusion

Absolute Beauty and Relative Beauty

Twelve C's of Effective Relationships

Freedom and Abuse

Responsibility: Whose?

Abusers and Rackets

Love and Corruption

Better Relationships With Former Partners

Parenting and Princesses

Kevin Federline Syndrome and Brittney Spears Syndrome

Misogyny and Love

Promiscuity and Self-Esteem

Relationships and Exes

Players and Oppression

On Obesity

Smart and Genius

Confronting Worldview Panic

Overcoming Groupthink

Triple Human Nature

Are Do-Gooders Truly Arrogant?

Intelligence, Sincerity and Artificial Blindness

Reasons for Schizophrenia and Bipolar

Building on Lerner: Just World Hypothesis and Psycho-Ethical Equilibrium

Applying Economic Concepts in Psychology

Oil Character and Clean Energy Character

Vysotsky, Empathy and Self-Esteem

Does Suffering Really Lead to Ennoblement of the Soul?

Immigration and Synthesis

Medievals and Gangsters: Misguided Primitivism

Rebellion and Sociopathy: False Equation

Sociopaths and Choice

Personal Improvement and Personality Psychology

Nazism, Jews and Personality Disorders

Boomers and Xers: Generational Errors of Each

Logic of the Flower

Sheep, Wolves: Any Other Species?


Art, Business and Legacy of Beauty

Getting Philanthropy Right

Two Booms That Weren't

Does Only Money Talk?

Rational Self-Interest and Psychology

Economics: Psychology vs. Rational Self-Interest

Role of Psychology in Economics

Nature, Science and Psychology in Economics

Costs and Benefits of Regulations

Fix the Debt. Restore Clintonomics.

Tax Cuts History and Optimal Taxation Levels

Long-Term Solutions for American Medicine

Environmental Sanity and Economic Growth

Clean Energy and System Purism

Innovator and Bureaucrat

Health of Fields: Winners and Losers


Law of Identity and Mathematics of Change

Impact and Choice


Intricate Fire

My Poetry Site

Hydrogen Transmission Network

My Biography

My Thoughts

My Weblog

Translations of Russian Classical Poetry

Translations of Popular Russian Songs