Campus Labs - Project Request Protocol

You can request a Campus Labs account ONLY AFTER you have received IRB approval. A Word Copy of this form, and the next steps instructions, is attached at the bottom of this page.

Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program –

Research Project Request Form for Campus Labs

You can request a Campus Labs account ONLY AFTER you have received IRB approval and have a copy of the IRB Approval Memo (an electronic copy is emailed from IRB to you and your chair once it is approved)

Students who wish to use Campus Labs for data collection must complete the below form and email it to: Dr. Andrea McLoughlin

You MUST include a copy of your IRB Approval Memo with your request to Dr. McLoughlin.

Leave the italicized information as is. Fill in all other information in BOLD.

Student Name:

Student LIU Email Address:

Chair Name:

Chair LIU Email:

Department: PsyD Department

IRB Approve Project Title:

IRB Project Number*:

IRB Approved Begin and End Dates*: / / to / /

Special Instructions: Confidentiality Required Section

Requesting a Project Set Up within Campus Labs

Once you have been approved for a student account with Campus Voices, you will be sent YOUR new account information from Campus Labs. Your chair, if a PsyD core faculty member, already has an account. The next steps for getting started in the Campus Labs system are:

1. Your chair will log into Campus Labs (

If they do not remember their username or password – they can retrieve either using the “Forgot Username/Password” links on the website.

a. Once logged in - They will “request a project” using the system.

b. They will type in your Project Title, and the open and close date of the online survey tool.

c. On the last page of the Request Project form – they will put into the Additional Notes section: “Please add the student ______ to this project and put this project in the Department for Projects Requiring Confidentiality.”

2. Within 24 hours, a Campus Labs staff member will email you and your chair to notify you that your project is ready. Follow the instructions within their email to get started.

3. Know that the servers at LIU err on the side of protecting you from spam, so emails from commercial providers like Campus Labs sometimes are marked as junk mail and re-directed to your junk email folder. To fix this, please follow these directions (you must do both A and B):

A. Open Outlook and go to Tools. Click on Junk Email Protection. Click on Safe Domains and add into the textbox. Click ok.

B. Open with your web browser and sign in. Click on the Options button at the top left of the main screen. Next, click on Junk Email in the left-side navigation menu. In the first (thin) text box under the Safe Senders List, add and click the Add button.

(Screen shots of these 3 steps are included in the below attached document