POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY – DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY, STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY. Collaborate on an NIMH-funded longitudinal study of early risk factors, intermediate phenotypes, moderators, and mediators of the development of depressive and anxiety disorders in a large community sample of adolescents who have been followed since pre-school. The project examines multiple domains and levels of analysis, including parental psychopathology; parenting; genes; temperament; behavioral, EEG/ERP, and fMRI measures of reward and threat processing; HPA axis dysregulation; pubertal hormones; family and peer functioning; life stress; and semi-structured interview and rating scale measures of youth psychopathology. Investigators are Dan Klein (PI), Greg Hajcak Proudfit, Gabrielle Carlson, and Joanne Davila (Co-Is).

Responsibilities will include analyzing data; writing papers and grants; supervising research staff; assisting in managing the study; and helping to design future waves of assessments. Requirements include research on internalizing or developmental psychopathology and at least one first-authored publication. Experience in diagnostic interviewing is highly desirable. Knowledge of neuroimaging, advanced statistical techniques, and pubertal development are also relevant. The start-date is May, 2014 although this is somewhat negotiable. Duration is open.

Stony Brook offers many exciting opportunities to collaborate on ongoing funded studies on depression and anxiety in the Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, and obtain training and mentoring in grant-writing. The fellow will also participate in stony Brook’s newly funded interdisciplinary Center for the Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience of Depression and Anxiety.

Send CV and two letters of reference to Daniel N. Klein, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-2500, email: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis but must be received by 4/1/14.

STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY IS AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EDUCATOR AND EMPLOYER. Applications from women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, special disabled veterans or Vietnam veterans are especially welcome.


Joanne Davila, PhD

Professor and Director of Clinical Training

Department of Psychology

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook, NY 11794-2500

phone: (631) 632-7826

fax: (631) 632-7876


