
Interests \ Movies \ Foreign\ Romania

Romanian Films & Television

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My Favourite Romanian Movies

  • None so far

Romanian Movies that I have watched

  • None so far

Romanian Movies that I have yet to watch

  1. 12:08 East of Bucharest (A fost sau n-a fost? (2006)
  2. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and; 2 Days (4 luni, 3 saptamâni si 2 zile) (2008)
  3. Actor and the Savages, The (Actorul si salbaticii) (1974)
  4. Asphalt Tango (1996)
  5. California Dreamin' (Nesfârsit) (2007)
  6. Children Underground (2001)
  7. Crazy Stranger, The (Gadjo dilo) (1997)
  8. Dacii (1967)
  9. Death of Mr. Lazarescu, The (Moartea domnului Lazarescu) (2005)
  10. Don't Lean Out the Window (È pericoloso sporgersi) (1993)
  11. Forest of the Hanged (Padurea spânzuratilor) (1964)
  12. Full Sail (Toate pînzele sus) (1976)
  13. If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle (Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier) (2010)
  14. Liceenii (1987)
  15. Marilena from P7 (2006)
  16. Michael the Brave (Mihai Viteazul) (1970)
  17. Microphone Testing (Proba de microfon) (1980)
  18. Mill of Good Luck, The (La moara cu noroc) (1955)
  19. Miscellaneous Brigade, The (Brigada Diverse) (1970)
  20. Moromete, The (Family Morometii) (1988)
  21. Most Beloved of Earthlings, The (Cel mai iubit dintre pamînteni) (1993)
  22. Mummy (Ma-ma) (1976)
  23. Oak, The (Balanta) (1992)
  24. Operation Monster (Operatiunea 'Monstrul') (1976)
  25. Philanthropy (Filantropica) (2002)
  26. Reenactment, The (Reconstituirea) (1968)
  27. Rest Is Silence, The (Restul e tacere( (2007)
  28. Silent Wedding (Nunta muta) (2008)
  29. Stone Wedding, The (Nunta de piatra) (1972)
  30. Tonight We'll Dance at Home (Asta-seara dansam in familie) (1972)
  31. Uncle Marin, the Billionaire (Nea Marin miliardar) (1981)
  32. Way I Spent the End of the World, The (2006)