Aspergers \ Traits
The Traits of Autism
The Traits of Autism
The diagnostic criteria for autism is full of unusual words, in this section, we look at what they mean.
Some of the most common traits are;
Spatial Awareness and Movement Traits
Spatial Awareness and Movement Traits
(March 2017)
(February 2014)
Females with Autism
Females with Autism
Back in 2009, John Elder Robison published a series of incredible, polarising interviews with a female on the spectrum. At the time, it was some of the most candidly offered insights into females on the spectrum and it led me to do a few analysis pieces. These are below. As at 2020, the interviews are still on his site and the links in the articles still work, so they're highly recommended reading.
General Articles on Traits
General Articles on Traits
(August 2018)
(April 2016)
(July 2014)
(October 2017)