1905 Movies

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Lists of Wide Release Films on Wikipedia from 1905

My Top Picks

  1. La révolution en Russie (1905)

Notable Mentions ("Surprise" Films)

  • Living Playing Cards, The (1905)

The Biggest Disappointments

  • None.

All the films I've seen from 1905

  1. La révolution en Russie (1905)
  2. Living Playing Cards, The (1905)
  3. Sherlock Holmes Baffled (1905)

What's Left to see from 1905

  1. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; or, Held for Ransom
  2. Airy Fairy Lillian Tries On Her New Corsets
  3. Baby's Toilet
  4. Black Imp, The
  5. Esmeralda
  6. Halifax Catholic Procession
  7. Interesting Story, An
  8. Kleptomaniac, The
  9. La presa di Roma
  10. Night Before Christmas, The
  11. Other Side Of The Hedge, The
  12. Rescued by Rover
  13. Special March Past of St. Joseph's Scholars and Special Parade of St. Matthew's Pupils
  14. Weavers, The
  15. Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog, The