Christopher Eccleston

Interests \ Doctor Who \ List \ Christopher Eccleston

9th Doctor - Christopher Eccleston 2005

Doctors: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, WD, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13

My Personal Favourites

Wow... what a comeback. Christopher was amazing as the Doctor when he returned to the screen. I didn't think anyone was going to be able to top that performance. How wrong I was.

  1. Dalek
  2. Fathers Day
  3. The Unquiet Dead
  4. Empty Child and Doctor Dances
  5. Bad Wolf and Parting of the Ways

My Favourite Ninth Doctor Novels (which weren't TV shows)

  • The Clockwise Man
  • The Monsters Inside
  • Winner Takes All

All the Televised Stories

  1. Rose
  2. End of the World
  3. The Unquiet Dead
  4. Aliens of London and World War 3
  5. Dalek
  6. The Long Game
  7. Fathers Day
  8. Empty Child and Doctor Dances
  9. Boom Town
  10. Bad Wolf and Parting of the Ways