Bullying is something that very much comes with the territory of autism. As soon as anyone is detected as "different" or as having a weakness, they become a target for bullies. Unfortunately bullying is so prevalent at all levels in society now that it's unavoidable, insidious and often un-reportable. While I experienced some bullying as a child, I've witnessed and experienced far, far more as an adult.
The Bullying Series
Bullying is such a huge problem that I've made quite a lot of posts about it. The biggest set of posts was an eight part series.
(February 2011)
(February 2011)
(March 2011)
(March 2011)
(March 2011)
(March 2011)
(March 2011)
(April 2011)
Bullying in the Workplace
I'm no stranger to bullying in the workplace - I've seen some of the worst (most of which I can't talk about).
(April 2018)
(July 2018)
(November 2013)
General Posts on Bullying
(August 2011)