Tom Baker

Interests \ Doctor Who \ List \ Tom Baker

4th Doctor - Tom Baker 1975-1981

Doctors: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, WD, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13

My Personal Favourites

An easier list to make. Tom Baker's time is quite patchy in terms of story quality. There are some absolute gems but then, for every gem, there's some rather dreadful stuff.

  1. Genesis of the Daleks
  2. Pyramids of Mars
  3. The Deadly Assassin
  4. State of Decay
  5. City of Death

My Favourite Fourth Doctor Novels (which weren't TV shows)

  • The English Way of Death
  • The Well-Mannered War
  • System Shock

All the Televised Stories

  1. Robot (Giant Robot)
  2. The Ark in Space
  3. The Sontaran Experiment
  4. Genesis of the Daleks
  5. Revenge of the Cybermen
  6. Terror of the Zygons (Loch Ness Monster)
  7. Planet of Evil
  8. Pyramids of Mars
  9. The Android Invasion
  10. The Brain of Morbius
  11. The Seeds of Doom
  12. The Masque of Mandragora
  13. The Hand of Fear
  14. The Deadly Assassin
  15. The Face of Evil
  16. The Robots of Death
  17. The Talons of Weng-Chiang
  18. Horror of Fang Rock
  19. The Invisible Enemy
  20. Image of the Fendahl
  21. The Sun Makers
  22. Underworld
  23. The Invasion of Time
  24. The Ribos Operation
  25. The Pirate Planet
  26. The Stones of Blood
  27. The Androids of Tara
  28. The Power of Kroll
  29. The Armageddon Factor
  30. Destiny of the Daleks
  31. City of Death
  32. The Creature from the Pit
  33. Nightmare of Eden
  34. The Horns of Nimon
  35. Shada (Not Televised)
  36. The Leisure Hive
  37. Meglos
  38. Full Circle
  39. State of Decay
  40. Warriors Gate
  41. The Keeper of Traken
  42. Logopolis