The Carpenter

Interests \ Writings \ Poetry \ The Carpenter

About this Poem

This poem was written for my brother in law Paul Montgomery Jr. who was a carpenter by trade and a much missed member of our family. He passed away in - March 2013.

This was a poem that I wrote on the day that Joanne’s brother Paul died. I had previously acknowledged his passing on facebook with a single sad face icon to let those who knew what was going on, know what had come to pass. Once the family was ready was ready to break the news, I posted this poem on Facebook. The parallels with Jesus are intentional.

The Carpenter, for Paul

The heavens beckon,

The carpenter shakes his head

I've so much left to do.

but heaven insists

you've done us proud

there's nothing left to prove

you've shown your best,

you strength, your love

you've shown compassion too.

your fight is done,

your pain is gone

the kingdom waits for you

The heavens beckon,

the carpenter closes his eyes

and wakes to paradise.